- Tailoring nano arrays for trapping atoms and molecules
- Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: from light-induced transport to new forms of molecular machines
- Light-induced, plasmon-mediated electron transport in junctions
- Rapid thermalization in picosecond tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
- Plasmonic enhancement of solar cells
- Plasmonic quantum dot photodetectors
- Controlling non-rigid molecules with plasmon-enhanced laser fields
- Plasmon-driven hot electrons with single particle SERS
Molecules in Intense Fields
- Symmetry effects in strong-field control
- Design of laser-driven unidirectional molecule rotors
- Wigner representation of the rotational dynamics of rigid tops
- High order harmonic generation (HHG) from aligned molecules
Quantum Dynamics in Conduction Junctions
- Current-driven desorption of hydrogen from corrugated hydrogenated graphene
- Ultrafast electron-phonon dynamics in a junction
- Electron transfer between discrete and continuum systems
Coherent and Incoherent Control
- Quantum state preparation and detection of a single molecule
- Role of control constraints in quantum optimal control
- Quantum optimal environment engineering for efficient photoinduced charge separation
- A four-dimensional approach to torsional control
- Torsional control for long-range order in molecular assembly
- Adiabatic alignment thresholds of molecules