14. Editor choice highlight of X. You, S. Ramakrishna, and T. Seideman, J. Phys.
Chem. Lett. 9, 141 (2018).
13. ACS Energy Lett. 3, 1467 (2018) highlight of E. A. Sprague-Klein, M. O.
McAnally, D. V. Zhdanov, A. B. Zrimsek, V. A. Apkarian, T. Seideman, G. C.
Schatz, and R. P. Van Duyne, J. Am. Chem. Soc.139, 15212 (2017),
12. APS News, Quantum Control and the Ehrenfest Concept, D. I. Bondar, R.
Cabrera, H. A. Rabitz, D. V. Zhdanov and T. Seideman, 19, 9 (2013).
11. LabTalk: Research Presented to a Wide Audience, S. Ramakrishna and T.
Seideman, Imaging Rotational Coherences with Time-Resolved Photoelectrons,
Special Issue of J. Phys. B, September 2012.
10. Science, “Molecular Choreography in Next Generation Nanofilms”, D. Powell,
highlighting the J.Chem.Phys. article Inducing Alignment in Self-Assembled
Molecules on the Water Surface via Linearly Polarized Laser Pulses.
9. Nature Photonics ”Our Choice from the Recent Literature” 3, 4 – 5 (2009)
doi:10.1038/nphoton.2008.254 A, highlighting the Phys.Rev.Lett. article: M.
G. Reuter, M. Sukharev, and T. Seideman, Laser Field Alignment of Organic
Molecules on Semiconductor Surfaces: Toward Ultrafast Molecular Switches.
8. SciDAC Review, Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing
(Published by IOP Publishing in association with Oak Ridge National
Laboratory), Issue 7, At the Forefront of Science – Nanophotonics,
http://www.scidacreview.org/0801/html/hardware.html, Spring 2008.
7. Physical Review B Featured Highlight on the Volume Plasmons, February
6. 2Physics, Toward Coherent Control in the Nanoscale, June 22, 2007.
5. Belle Dume, Nanoparticle arrays control light, Nanotechweb June 12, 2007.
4. Mike May, Chemistry: First-Principles Calculations, Science March 17, 2006.
3. Michael Berger, Guiding light in the nanoscale via nanoparticle arrays,
Nanowerk, March 3, 2006.
2. Single Molecule Drives Nanomachines, Machine Design, January 6, 2006.
1. Megan Fellman, Single Molecule is in Driver’s Seat of Machine, Northwestern
Observer, November 3, 2005.
311. T. Seideman Ed., Current-Driven Phenomena in Molecular-Scale Electronics
(Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore 2010).
310. E. Pozzi, G. Goubert, N. Chiang, N. Jiang, C. Chapman, M. McAnally, A.
Henry, T. Seideman, G. Schatz, M. Hersam and R. Van Duyne, Ultrahigh
Vacuum Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Chemical Reviews 117 , 4961
309. S. L. Chin, T. J. Wang, C. Marceau, J. Wu, J. S. Liu, O. Kosareva, N. Panov,
Y. P. Chen, J-F Daigle, S. Yuan, A. Azarm, W. W. Liu, T. Seideman, H. P.
Zeng, M. Richardson, R. Li and Z. Z. Xu, Advances in Intense Femtosecond
Laser Filamentation in Air, Laser Physics 16, 1 (2011).
308. R. Jorn and T. Seideman, Implications and Applications of Current Induced
Dynamics in Molecular Junctions, Accounts of Chemical Research 43, 1186
307. T. Seideman and R. J. Gordon, Two-Pathway Excitation as a Coherence
Spectroscopy, Advances in Chemical Physics 140, 147 (2008).
306. T. Seideman and E. Hamilton, Nonadiabatic Alignment by Intense pulses.
Concepts, Theory, and Directions, Ad.At.Mol.Opt.Phys. 52, 289 (2006).
305. T. Seideman and H. Guo, Quantum Transport and Current-Driven Dynamics
in Molecular Tunnel Junctions, Topical Review in J.Theo.Comp.Chem. 2, 439
304. T. Seideman, Current-Triggered Dynamics in Molecular-Scale Devices, Topical
Review in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, R521 (2003).
303. H. Stapelfeldt and T. Seideman, Aligning Molecules with Strong Laser Pulses,
Rev.Mod.Phys. 75, 543 (2003).
302. R.J. Gordon, L. Zhu and T. Seideman, Applying Coherent Control Tools to
Explore Molecular Continua, Comm.At.Mol.Phys. 2, D262 (2002).
301. T. Seideman, Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular Distributions. Concepts,
Applications and Directions, Annu.Rev.Phys.Chem. 53, 41 (2002).
300. R.J. Gordon, L. Zhu and T. Seideman, Using the Phase of Light as a
Photochemical Tool, J.Phys.Chem. feature and cover article, J.Phys.Chem.
105, 4387 (2001).
299. R.J. Gordon, L. Zhu and T. Seideman, Coherent Control of Chemical
Reactions, Acc.Chem.Research 32, 1007 (1999).
298. H. Guo, P. Saalfrank and T. Seideman, Theory of Photoinduced Surface
Reactions of Admolecules, Prog.Surf.Sci. 62, 239 (1999).
297. E. Sprague-Klein, R. Ho-Wu, D. Nguyen, S. Coste, Y. Wu, J. McMahon, T.
Seideman, G. Schatz and R. Van Duyne, Modulating the Electron Affinity of
Small Bipyridyl Molecules on Single Gold Nanoparticles for Plasmon-Driven
Electron Transfer, submitted.
296. N. Chiang, N. Jiang, E. Foley, E. Pozzi, M. Hersam, T. Seideman and R. P.
Van Duyne, Long-Term Preservation of Ag Probes for Ultrahigh Vacuum
Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, submitted.
295. N. Chiang, N. Jiang, L. Madison, E. Pozzi, G. Goubert, M. Wasielewski, T.
Seideman, M. Ratner, M. Hersam, G. Schatz and R. P. Van Duyne,
Interrogation of Material Generality in Ultrahigh Vacuum Tip-Enhanced
Raman Spectroscopy, submitted.
294. J.E. Szekely and T. Seideman, Alignment Thresholds of Molecules, submitted.
293. G. Li, B. Fainberg and T. Seideman, Non-Markovian Theory of
Optically-Controlled Tunneling through Graphene-Based Molecular Junctions,
292. M. Artamonov and T. Seideman, Alignment and Orientation of Semiconductor
Nanorods with a Combination of Static and Laser Fields, submitted.
291. Y. Liu and T. Seideman, Plasmon Enhanced Nanosensing. Methodology and
Application, submitted.
290. P. A. J. Sherratt, R. M. Lock, X. Zhou, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, and
T. Seideman, Ultrafast Elliptical Dichroism in High-Order Harmonics as a
Probe of Molecular Structure and Electron Dynamics, submitted.
289. J. E. Szekely and T. Seideman, Alignment-Assisted Induced-Dipole Trapping of
Rotationally Cold Molecules, submitted.
288. D. V. Zhdanov, D. I. Bondar and T. Seideman, Thermodynamics of Friction
at Zero Temperature, submitted.
287. D. V. Zhdanov, D. I. Bondar and T. Seideman, Quantum Friction:
Environment Engineering Perspectives, arXiv:1612.00573.
286. D. V. Zhdanov, A. N. Pachen and T. Seideman, Physical and Engineering
Limitations of Smooth and Step-Like Policies in Terminal and Periodic
Quantum Optimal Control, arXiv:1709.09423.
285. D. V. Zhdanov and T. Seideman, Quantum Optimal Environment Engineering
for Efficient Photoinduced Charge Separation, arXiv:1508.04481.
284. S. L. Vuglar, D. V. Zhdanov, R. Cabrera, T. Seideman, C. Jarzynski, H. A.
Rabitz and D. I. Bondar, Quantum Statistical Forces via Reservoir
Engineering, arXiv:1611.02736.
283. S. Padgaonkar, C. T. Eckdahl, J. K. Sowa, R. Lopez-Arteaga, D. E.
Westmoreland, E. F. Woods, S. Irgen-Gioro, B. Nagasing, T. Seideman, M. C.
Hersam, J. A. Kalow, E. A. Weiss, Light-Triggered Switching of Quantum Dot
Photoluminescence through Excited-State Electron Transfer to Surface-Bound
Photochromic Molecules, Nano Letters 21 854 (2021).
282. M. L. Shelby, P. J. Lestrange, D. Hayes, M. W. Mara, A. Wildman, M.
Cammarata, M. Artamonov, K. A. Fransted, H. Lemke, D. Zhu, T. Seideman,
B. M. Hoffman, X. Li and L. X. Chen, Revealing Ultrafast Electron and
Nuclear Motions along Ligand Dissociation Trajectory from Heme Site in
Myoglobin by Ultrafast X-rays and Quantum Dynamics Calculations, PNAS
118 (2021).
281. J. K. Sowa, E. A. Weiss and T. Seideman, Photoisomerisation-coupled electron
transfer, J.Chem.Phys. 153 (2020).
280. J. K. Sowa, N. Lambert, E. Gauger and T. Seideman, Beyond Marcus Theory
and the Landauer-Buttiker Approach in Molecular Junctions. II. A
Self-Consistent Born Approach, J.Chem.Phys. 152, 064103 (2020).
279. T. Purcell, M. Sukharev and T. Seidman, Modeling Optical Coupling of
Plasmons and Inhomogeneously Broadened Emitters, J.Chem.Phys. 150,
124112 (2019).
278. X. You, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Unified Theory of Plasmon-Induced
Resonance Energy Transfer and Hot Electron Injection Processes for Enhanced
Photocurrent Efficiency, J.Chem.Phys. 149, 174304 (2018). Editor’s pick
277. T. Purcell and T. Seideman, Modeling the Chiral Imprinting Response of
Oriented Dipole Moments, ACS Photonics 5, 4801 (2018).
276. D. V. Zhdanov, D. I. Bondar and T. Seideman, Friction as a Consistent
Quantum-Mechanical Concept, Phys.Rev. A 98, 042133 (2018).
275. E. Sprague-Klein, B. Negru, L. Madison, S. Coste, B. Rugg, A. Felts, M.
McAnally, M. Banik, V. Apkarian, M. Wasielewski, M. Ratner, T. Seideman,
G. Schatz and R. Van Duyne, Photoinduced Plasmon-Driven Chemistry in
trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene Gold Nanosphere Oligomers, Journal of the
American Chemical Society 140, 10583 (2018).
274. T. Purcell, S. Yochelis, Y. Paltiel and T. Seideman, Determining the
Molecular Dipole Orientation on Nanoplasmonic Structures, J.Phys.Chem. C
122, 16901 (2018).
273. S. L. Vulgar, D. V. Zhdanov, R. Cabrera, T. Seideman, C. Jarzynski and D. I.
Bondar, Nonconservative Forces via Quantum Reservoir Engineering,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 120, 230404 (2018).
272. D. Nguyen, G. Kang, N. Chiang, X. Chen, T. Seideman, M. Hersam, G.
Schatz and R. Van Duyne, Probing Molecular-Scale Catalytic Interactions
between Oxygen and Cobalt Phthalocyanine Using Tip-Enhanced Raman
Spectroscopy, J.Am.Chem.Soc. 140, 5948 (2018).
271. T. Grohmann, T. Seideman and M. Leibscher, Theory of Torsional Control for
G16-Type Molecules, J.Chem.Phys. 148, 094304 (2018).
270. P. P. Pal, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Emergence of Landauer
Transport from Quantum Dynamics: A Model Hamiltonian Approach,
J.Chem.Phys. 148, 144707 (2018).
269. X. You, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Origin of Plasmon Lineshape and
Enhanced Hot Electron Generation in Metal Nanoparticles, J.Phys.Chem.
Lett. 9, 141 (2018).
268. E. Sprague-Klein, M. McAnally, D. Zhdanov, A. Zrimsek, V. Apkarian, T.
Seideman, G. Schatz and R. Van Duyne, Observation of Single Molecule
Plasmon-Driven Electron Transfer in Isotopically Edited 4,4’-Bipyridine Gold
Nanosphere Oligomers, J.Am.Chem.Soc. 139, 15212 (2017).
267. N. Chiang, N. Jiang, L. Madison, E. Pozzi, G. Goubert, M. Wasielewski, T.
Seideman, M. Ratner, M. Hersam, G. Schatz and R. P. Van Duyne, Probing
Intermolecular Vibrational Symmetry Breaking in Self-Assembled Monolayers
with Ultrahigh Vacuum Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, J.Am.Chem.Soc.
139, 18664 (2017) (Cover Invited).
266. D. V. Zhdanov, D. I. Bondar, T. Seideman, No Thermalization without
Correlations, Phys.Rev.Lett. 119, 170402 (2017).
265. D. Kurousky, N. Large, N. Chiang, A.I. Henry, T. Seideman, G.C. Schatz and
R.P. Van Duyne, Unraveling the Near- and Far-Field Relationship of 2D
Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Substrates Using Wavelength-Scan
Surface-Enhanced Raman Excitation Spectroscopy, J.Phys.Chem. C. 121,
14737 (2017).
264. T. Grohmann, M. Leibscher and T. Seideman, Laser-Controlled Torsions:
Four-Dimensional Theory and the Validity of Reduced Dimensionality Models,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 118, 203201 (2017).
263. X. You, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Plasmon-Meidated Absorption and
Photocurrent Spectra in Sensitized Solar Cells, ACS Photonics 4, 1178 (2017).
262. E. P. Hoy, D. A. Mazziotti and T. Seideman, Development and Application of
a 2-Electron Reduced Density Matrix Approach to Electron Transport via
Molecular Junctions, J.Chem.Phys. 147, 184110 (2017).
261. N. Chiang, X. Chen, G. Goubert, D. Chulhai, X. Chen, E. Pozzi, N. Jiang, M.
Hersam, T. Seideman, L. Jensen and R. Van Duyne, Conformational Contrast
of Surface-Mediated Conformational Switches Yields Angstrom-Scale Spatial
Resolution in Ultrahigh Vacuum Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Nanolett.
16, 7774 (2016) (C&E News Article).
260. T. A. R. Purcell, M. Galanty, S. Yochelis, Y. Paltiel and T. Seideman,
Coupling Quantum Emitters to Random 2D Nanoplasmonic Structures,
J.Phys.Chem. C 120, 21837 (2016).
259. J. E. Szekely, F. K. Amankona-Diawuo and T. Seideman, Laser-Driven,
Surface-Mounted Unidirectional Rotor, J.Phys.Chem. C 120, 21133 (2016).
258. E. Pozzi, N. Gruenke, N. Chiang, D. V. Zhdanov, N. Jiang, T. Seideman, G.
Schatz, M. Hersam and R. Van Duyne, Operational Regimes in Picosecond
and Femtosecond Pulse-Excited Ultrahigh Vacuum SERS, J.Phys.Chem. Lett.
7, 2971 (2016).
257. N. Jian, N. Chiang, L. R. Madison, E. A. Pozzi, M. R. Wasielewski, T.
Seideman, M. A. Ratner, M. C. Hersam, G. C. Schatz and R. P. Van Duyne,
Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of a Dynamic Molecular Phase Boundary with
Ultrahigh Vacuum Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, NanoLett 16, 3898
256. R. Fung, A.M. Hanna, O. Vendrell, S. Ramakrishna, T. Seideman, R. Santra
and A. Ourmazd, Dynamics from Noisy Data with Extreme Timing
Uncertaintity, Nature 532, 471 (2016).
255. D. Kurouski, N. Large, N. Chiang, N. Greeneltch, K. Carron, T. Seideman, G.
Schatz and R. P. Van Duyne, Unraveling Near-Field and Far-Field
Relationship for 3D SERS Substrates: A Combined Experimental and
Theoretical Analysis, Analyst 141, 1779 (2016).
254. Gao, P. P. Pal, T. Seideman, N. P. Guisinger and J. R. Guest, Current-Driven
Hydrogen Desorption from Graphene: Experiments and Theory,
J.Phys.Chem.Lett. 7, 486 (2016).
253. I. F. Tenney, M. Artamonov, T. Seideman and P. H. Bucksbaum, Collisional
Decoherence and Rotational Quasi-Revivals in Asymmetric-Top Molecules,
Phys.Rev.A 93, 013421 (2016).
252. D. Zhdanov and T. Seideman, Role of Control Constraints in Quantum
Optimal Control, Phys.Rev.A 92, 052109 (2015).
251. P. Pal, N. Jiang, M. D. Sonntag, N. Chiang, E. T. Foley, M. C. Hersam, R. P.
Van Duyne and T. Seideman, Plasmon Mediated Electron Transport in Tip
Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Junctions, J.Phys.Chem.Lett. 6, 4210 (2015).
250. S. Ramakrishna, M. Pelton, S. Gray and T. Seideman, Plasmon-Enhanced
Electron Injection in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, J.Phys.Chem C. 119, 22640
249. B. A. Ashwell, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Strong Field Coherent
Control of Molecular Torsions – Analytical Models, J.Chem.Phys. 143, 064307
248. D. V. Zhdanov and T. Seideman, Wigner Representation of the Rotational
Dynamics of Rigid Tops, Phys. Rev. A. 92, 012129 (2015).
247. N. Chiang, D. Chulhai, E. Pozzi, M. Hersam, L. Jensen, T. Seideman and R.P.
Van Duyne, Molecular-Resolution Interrogation of a Porphyrin Monolayer by
Ultrahigh Vacuum Tip-Enhanced Raman and Fluorescence Spectroscopy,
NanoLett. 15, 4114 (2015).
246. G. Li, B. Fainberg and T. Seideman, Optically Induced Transport Through
Semiconductor-Based Molecular Electronics, J.Chem.Phys. 142, 154111
245. R. Gordon, Z. Hu, T. Seideman, S. Singha, M. Sukharev, and Y. Zhao,
Coherent Phase Control of Internal Conversion in Pyrazine, Journal of
Chemical Physics 142, 144311 (2015).
244. M. Artamonov and T. Seideman, Time-Dependent, Optically-Controlled
Dielectric Function, J.Phys.Chem. Lett. 6, 320 (2015).
243. J. M. Klingsporn, N. Jiang, E. A. Pozzi, M. D. Sonntag, D. Chulhai, T.
Seideman, L. Jensen, M. C. Hersam and R. P. Van Duyne, Rhodamine
6G/Ag(111) Interactions as Revealed by Low Temperature, Ultrahigh Vacuum,
Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, J.Am.Chem.Soc. 136, 3881 (2014).
242. Z. Hu, M. A. Ratner and T. Seideman, Modeling Light-Induced Charge
Transfer Dynamics Across a Metal-Molecular Junction: Bridging Classical
Electrodynamics and Quantum Dynamics, J.Chem.Phys. 141, 224104 (2014).
241. S. M. Parker, M. Smeu, I. Franco, M. A. Ratner, and T. Seideman, Molecular
Junctions: Can Pulling Influence Optical Controllability?, NanoLett. 14, 4587
240. E. A. Pozzi, M. D. Sonntag, N. Jiang, N. Chiang, T. Seideman, M. C. Hersam
and R. P. Van Duyne, Ultrahigh Vacuum Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
with Picosecond Excitation, J.Phys.Chem. Lett. 5, 2657 (2014).
239. J. Szekely and T. Seideman, Coherently-Driven, Ultrafast Electron-Phonon
Dynamics in Transport Junctions, J.Chem.Phys. 141, 044103 (2014).
238. A. Deinega and T. Seideman, Interaction of Single Quantum Emitter and Dark
Plasmon Supported by a Metal Nanoring, J.Chem.Phys. 140, 234311 (2014).
237. S. M. Parker, T. Seideman, M. A. Ratner and T. Shiozaki, Model Hamiltonian
Analysis of Singlet Fission from First Principles, J.Phys.Chem. C 118, 12700
236. J. M. Klingsporn, N. Jiang, E. A. Pozzi, M. D. Sonntag, D. Chulhai, T.
Seideman, L. Jensen, M. C. Hersam and R. P. Van Duyne, Intramolecular
Insight into Adsorbate–Substrate Interactions via Low-Temperature,
Ultrahigh-Vacuum Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, J.Am.Chem.Soc. 136,
3881 (2014).
235. B. Feldman, T. Seideman, O. Hod and L. Kronik, A Real-Space Method for
Highly Parallelizable Electronic Transport Calculations, Phys.Rev. B 90,
234. M. Holland, M. D. Donakowski, E. A. Pozzi, A. M. Rasmussen, T. T. Tran, P.
S. Halasyamani, T. Seideman, R. P. Van Duyne and K. R. Poeppelmeier,
Polar Alignment of Λ-shaped Basic Building Units within Transition-Metal
Oxide Fluoride Materials, Inorganic Chem. 53, 221 (2014).
233. J. M. Klingsporn, M. D. Sonntag, T. Seideman and R. P. Van Duyne,
Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy with Picosecond Pulses, J.Phys.Chem.
Lett. 5, 106 (2014).
232. A. Rasmussen, S. Ramakrishna, E. Weiss and T. Seideman, Theory of
Ultrafast Photoinduced Electron Transfer from a Bulk Semiconductor to a
Quantum Dot, J.Chem.Phys. 140, 144102 (2014).
231. A. Deinega and T. Seideman, New, Self-Interaction-Free Approaches for
Self-Consistent Solution of the Maxwell-Liouville equations, Phys.Rev. A 89,
022501 (2014).
230. M. Sukharev, T. Seideman, R. J. Gordon, A. Salomon and Y. Prior, Ultrafast
Energy Transfer Between Molecular Assemblies and Surface Plasmons in the
Strong Coupling Regime, ACS Nano 8, 807 (2014).
229. L. S. Spector, M. Artamonov, S. Miyabe, Todd Martinez, T. Seideman, M.
Guehr and P. H. Bucksbaum, Axis-dependence of molecular high harmonic
emission in three dimensions, Nature Communications 5, 3190 (2014).
228. Z. Hu, M. A. Ratner and T. Seideman, Calculating Scattering Cross Sections
in the Near Field: Analytic Proof and Numerical Verification, J.Chem.Phys.
415, 14 (2013).
227. L. Zhang, A. Kubo, L.-M. Wang, H. Petek and T. Seideman, Universal
Aspects of Short Pulse Scattering by a Nanoscale Asperity, J.Phys.Chem. C
117, 18648 (2013).
226. A. Natan, M. Hersam and T. Seideman, Insights into Graphene
Functionalization by Single Atom Doping, Nanotechnology 24, 505715 (2013).
225. M. D. Sonntag, D. Chulhai, T. Seideman and L. Van Duyne, The Origin of
Relative Intensity Fluctuations in Single-Molecule Tip-Enhanced Raman
Spectroscopy, J.Am.Chem.Soc. 135, 17187 (2013).
224. B. Ashwell, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Dissipative Dynamics of
Laser-Induced Torsional Coherences , Special Issue of J.Phys.Chem. C 117,
22391 (2013) (invited).
223. J. Wu, X. Gong, M. Kunitski, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, A. Czasch, T.
Seideman and R. Dorner, Strong Field Multiple Ionization as a Route to
Electron Dynamics in a van derWaals Cluster, Phys.Rev.Lett. 111, 083003
222. S. M. Parker, T. Seideman, M. A. Ratner and T. Shiozaki, Active-Space
Decomposition for Molecular Dimers, J.Chem.Phys. Communication 139,
021108 (2013).
221. B. Fainberg and T. Seideman, Optically Induced Current in Molecular
Conduction Nanojunctions with Semiconductor Contacts, Chem. Phys. Lett.
FRONTIERS Article 576, 1 (2013) (issue cover article, invited).
220. S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Rotational Wave Packet Imaging of
Molecules, Phys.Rev. A 87, 023411 (2013).
219. M. Kornbluth, A. Nitzan and T. Seideman, Light-Induced Electronic
Non-Equilibrium in Plasmonic Particles, J.Chem.Phys. 138, 174707 (2013).
218. APS News, Quantum Control and the Ehrenfest Concept, D. I. Bondar, R.
Cabrera, H. A. Rabitz, D. V. Zhdanov and T. Seideman, 19, 9 (2013).
217. M. Reuter, N. Boffi, M. Ratner and T. Seideman, The Role of Dimensionality
in the Decay of Surface Effects, J.Chem.Phys. 138, 084707 (2013).
216. B. Ashwell, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Laser-Driven Torsional
Coherences, J.Chem.Phys. 138, 044310 (2013).
215. Z. Hu, M. A. Ratner and T. Seideman, Modeling Plasmonics: A Huygens
Subgridding Scheme for Lorentz Media, J.Chem.Phys. 137, 204111 (2012).
214. M. Artamonov and T. Seideman, Predicted Ordered Assembly of Ethylene
Molecules Induced by Polarized Off-Resonance Laser Pulses, Phys.Rev.Lett.
109, 165408 (2012).
213. R.M. Lock, S. Ramakrishna, X. Zhou, H.C. Kapteyn, M.M. Murnane, and T.
Seideman, Extracting Continuum Electron Dynamics from High Harmonic
Emission from Molecules, Phys.Rev.Lett. 108, 133901 (2012).
212. A. Salomon, R. J. Gordon, Y. Prior, T. Seideman, and M. Sukharev, Strong
Coupling between Molecular Excited States and Surface Plasmon Modes of a
Slit Array in a Thin Metal Film, Phys.Rev.Lett. 109, 073002 (2012).
211. L.-M. Wang, L. Zhang, T. Seideman and H. Petek, Dynamics of Coupled
Plasmon Polariton Wave Packets Excited at a Subwavelength Slit in an
Optically Thin Metal Film, Phys.Rev. B 86, 165408 (2012).
210. Z. Hu, S. Singha, Y. Zhao, G. E. Barry, T. Seideman and R. J. Gordon,
Coherent Control of the Photoionization of Pyrazine, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3,
2744 (2012).
209. A. J. Morris-Cohen, K. O. Aruda, A. Rasmussen, G. Canzi, T. Seideman, C.
P. Kubiak and E. A. Weiss, Controlling the Rate of Electron Transfer between
a Quantum Dot and a Tri-Ruthenium Molecular Cluster by Tuning the
Chemistry of the Interface, Special Issue of Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14,
13794 (2012) (invited).
208. S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, On the Information Content of Time- and
Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Special Issue of J. Phys. B: At.
Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 194012 (2012) (invited).
207. M. Reuter, M. A. Ratner and T. Seideman, Laser Alignment as a Route to
Ultrafast Control of Electron Transport through Junctions, Phys.Rev. A 86,
013426 (2012).
206. S. M. Parker, M. A. Ratner and T. Seideman, Coherent Optimal Control of
Axial Chirality, Special Issue of Molecular Physics 110, 1941 (2012) (invited).
205. M. Artamonov and T. Seideman, Three-Dimensional Laser Alignment of
Polyatomic Molecular Ensembles, Special Issue of Molecular Physics 110, 885
(2012) (invited).
204. Z. Hu, M. A. Ratner and T. Seideman, Finite-differenc Time-Domain
Simulation of Light-Induced Charge Dynamics in Silver Nanoparticles,
J.Chem.Phys. 136, 054504 (2012).
203. M. Reuter, M. Hersam, T. Seideman and M. Ratner, Statistical Signatures of
Transport Mechanisms and Cooperative Effects in Conductance Histograms,
NanoLett. 12, 2243 (2012).
202. A. Przystawik, A. Al-Shemmary, S. Dusterer, M. Harmand, A. Kickermann,
H.Redlin, L. Schroedter, M. Schulz, N. Stojanovic, S. Toleikis, T. Laarmann,
A. M. Ellis, K. von Haeften, F. Tavella, J. Szekely and T. Seideman,
Generation of the Simplest Rotational Wave Packet in a Diatomic Molecule:
Microwave Spectroscopy in the Time Domain without Microwaves, Phys.Rev.
A 85, 052503 (2012).
201. N. Jiang, E. Foley, J. Klingsporn, M. Sonntag, N. Valley, J. Dieringer, T.
Seideman, G. Schatz, M. Hersam and R. Van Duyne, Observation of Multiple
Vibrational Modes in Ultrahigh Vacuum Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Combined with Molecular-Resolution Scanning Tunneling Microscopy,
NanoLett. 12, 5061 (2012).
200. B. Fainberg and T. Seideman, Optically Induced Current in Molecular
Conduction Nanojunctions with Intrinsic Semiconductor Contacts, Physica
Status Solidi, A 209, 2433 (2012) (invited).
199. J. Floss, T. Grohmann, M. Leibscher and T. Seideman, Nuclear Spin Selective
Torsional Control, J.Chem.Phys. 136, 084309 (2012).
198. M. D. Sonntag, J. M. Klingsporn, L. Garibay, J. M. Roberts, J. A. Dieringer,
T. Seideman, K. A. Scheidt, L. Jensen, G. C. Schatz and R. P. Van Duyne,
Single Molecule Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, J.Phys.Chem. C 116, 478
197. A. Kubo, L. Zhang, H. Petek and T. Seideman, Imaging of Surface Plasmon
Polariton Fields of a Nanometer Scale Slit, Phys.Rev. B 84, 245442 (2011).
196. S. Q. Li, P. Guo, L. Zhang, W. Zhou, T. W. Odom, T. Seideman, J. B.
Ketterson and R. P. H. Chang, Infrared Plasmonics with Indium Tin Oxide
Nano-rod Arrays, ACS Nano 5, 9161 (2011).
195. S. M. Parker, M. A. Ratner and T. Seideman, Coherent Control of Molecular
Torsion, J.Chem.Phys. 135, 224301 (2011).
194. M. Reuter, T. Seideman and M. Ratner, Molecular Conduction through
Adlayers: Cooperative Effects Can Help or Hamper Electron Transport,
NanoLetters 11, 4693 (2011).
193. R. Jorn, J. Zhao, H. Petek and T. Seideman, Current-Driven Dynamics in
Molecular Junctions. Endohedral Fullerenes, ACS Nano 5, 7858 (2011).
192. F. Amankona-Diawuo and T. Seideman, Toward Ultrafast, Reconfigurable
Logic in the Nanoscale, J.Chem.Phys. Rapid Communication 135, 071102
191. M. Reuter, G. C. Solomon, T. Hansen, T. Seideman and M. Ratner,
Understanding and Controlling Crosstalk between Parallel Molecular Wires,
J.Phys.Chem. Letters 2, 1667 (2011).
190. M. Reuter, T. Seideman and M. Ratner, Guidelines for Choosing Molecular
“Alligator Clips” in Electron Transport Devices, J.Chem.Phys. 134, 154708
189. P. Sherratt, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Signatures of the Molecular
Potential in the Ellipticity of High-Order Harmonics from Aligned Molecules,
Phys.Rev. A 83, 053425 (2011).
188. M. Reuter, T. Seideman and M. Ratner, Probing the Surface-to-Bulk
Transition. A Closed-Form, Constant-Scaling Algorithm for Computing
Subsurface Green Functions, Phys.Rev. B 83, 085412 (2011).
187. M. Artamonov and T. Seideman, Molecular Focusing and Alignment with
Plasmon Fields, Nano Letters 10, 4908 (2010).
186. A. Azarm, S. Ramakrishna, A. Talebpour, S. Hosseini, Y. Teranishi, H. L. Xu,
Y. Kamali, J. Bernhardt, S. H. Lin T. Seideman and S. L. Chin, Population
Trapping and Rotational Revival of N2 Molecules During Filamentation Of A
Femtosecond Laser Pulse in Air, J. Phys. B. 43, 235602 (2010).
185. L. Zhang and T. Seideman, Rigorous Formulation of Oblique Incidence
Scattering from Dispersive Media, Phys.Rev. B 82, 155117 (2010).
184. M. Artamonov and T. Seideman, Optimal Control Approach to Field-Free 3D
Alignment of Asymmetric Tops, Phys.Rev. A 82, 023413 (2010).
183. G. Perez-Hernandez, A. Pelzer, L. Gonzalez and T. Seideman, Biologically
Inspired Molecular Machines Driven by Coherent Light. A Unidirectional
Rotor, Special Issue of New J.Phys. 12, 075007 (2010).
182. C. Marceau, S. Ramakrishna, S. G´enier, T.-J. Wang, Y. Chen, F. Th´eberge,
M. Chˆateauneuf, J. Dubois, T. Seideman, and S. L. Chin, Femtosecond
Filament Induced Birefringence in Argon and in Air: Ultrafast Refractive
Index Change, Optics Communications 283, 2732 (2010).
181. D. Shreenivas, A. Lee, N. Walter, D. Sampayo, S. Bennett and T. Seideman,
Alignment as a Route to Control of Surface Reactions, J.Phys.Chem. 114,
5674 (2010).
180. S. Ramakrishna, P. Sherratt, A. Dutoi and T. Seideman, Origin and
Implication of Ellipticity in High Harmonic Generation from Aligned
Molecules, Phys.Rev. A Rapid Communication 81, 021802(R) (2010).
179. P. Sherratt, H. Cohen and T. Seideman,The Information Content of Electron
Flow Through Adsorbed Molecular Monolayers, J.Chem.Phys. 131, 234701
178. R. Jorn and T. Seideman, Competition Between Current-Induced Excitation
and Bath-Induced Decoherence in Molecular Junctions, J.Chem.Phys. 131,
244114 (2009).
177. S. Ramakrishna, T. Seideman, F. Willig and V. May, Theory of Coherent
Molecule-to-Surface Electron Injection. An Analytical Model, Special Issue of
J. Chem. Sciences 121, 589 (2009).
176. A. M. Spokoyny, M. G. Reuter, C. L. Stern, M. A. Ratner, T. Seideman and
C. A. Mirkin, Carborane-Based Pincers: Synthesis and Structure of SeBSe and
SBS Pd(II) Complexes, J.Am.Chem.Soc. 131, 9482 (2009).
175. M. Sukharev, P. R. Sievert, L. Luan, T. Seideman and J. B. Ketterson, Perfect
Coupling of Light to Surface Plasmons with Ultra-Narrow Linewidths,
J.Chem.Phys. 131, 034708 (2009).
174. M. Sukharev, A. Cohen, R. B. Gerber and T. Seideman, Nonadiabatic
Photodissociation Dynamics of F2 in Solid Ar, Special Issue of Laser Physics
19, 1651 (2009).
173. S. S. Viftrup, V. Kumarappan, L. Holmegaard, H. Stapelfeldt, M. Artamonov
and T. Seideman, Controlling the Rotation of Asymmetric Top Molecules by
the Combination of A Long and A Short Laser Pulse , Phys.Rev. A 79,
023404 (2009).
172. M. G. Reuter, M. A. Ratner, and T. Seideman, A Fast Method for Solving
Both the Time-Dependent Schr¨odinger Equation in Angular Coordinates and
its Associated m-mixing Problem, J.Chem.Phys. 131, 094108 (2009).
171. M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Optical Properties of Metal Tips for
Tip-Enhanced Spectroscopies, Special Issue of J.Phys.Chem. 113, 7508 (2009).
170. I. Nevo, S. Kapishnikov, A. Birman, M. Dong, S. R. Cohen, K. Kjaer, F.
Besenbacher, H. Stapelfeldt, T. Seideman and L. Leiserowitz, Laser-Induced
Aligned Self-Assembly on Water Surfaces, J.Chem.Phys. 140, 144704 (2009).
169. M.G. Reuter, T. Hansen, T. Seideman and M. A. Ratner Molecular Transport
Junctions with Semiconductor Electrodes: Analytical Forms for
One-Dimensional Self-Energies, Special Issue of J.Phys.Chem. 113, 4665
168. N. Elghobashi-Meinhardt, L. Gonz´alez, I. Barth and T. Seideman, Few-Cycle
Laser Pulses to Obtain Spatial Separation of OHF− Dissociation Products,
J.Chem.Phys. 130, 024310 (2009).
167. M. G. Reuter, M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Laser Field Alignment of
Organic Molecules on Semiconductor Surfaces: Toward Ultrafast Molecular
Switches, Phys.Rev.Lett. 101, 208303 (2008).
166. I. Barth, L. Serrano-Andr´es and T. Seideman, Nonadiabatic Orientation,
Toroidal Current, and Induced Magnetic Field in BeO Molecules,
J.Chem.Phys. 129, 164303 (2008).
165. A. Pelzer, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Optimal Control of Rotational
Motions in Dissipative Media, J.Chem.Phys. 129, 134301 (2008).
164. R. Jorn and T. Seideman, Dissipation in Molecular Junctions, J.Chem.Phys.
129, 194703 (2008).
163. J. Yelk, M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Optimal Design Of Nanoplasmonic
Materials Using Genetic Algorithms as a Multi-Parameter Optimization Tool,
J.Chem.Phys. 129, 064706 (2008).
162. S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, High-Order Harmonic Generation as a
Probe of Rotational Dynamics, Phys.Rev. A 77, 053411 (2008).
161. M. Artamonov and T. Seideman, Theory of Three-Dimensional Alignment by
Intense Laser Pulses, J.Chem.Phys. 128, 154313 (2008).
160. C.-C. Kaun and T. Seideman,Conductance, Contacts and Interface States in
Single Alkanedithiol Molecular Junctions, Phys.Rev. B 77, 033414 (2008).
159. J. Sung, M. Sukharev, Erin M. Hicks, Richard P. Van Duyne, T. Seideman
and K. G. Spears, Nanoparticle Spectroscopy: Birefringence in 2D Arrays of
L-shaped Silver Nanoparticles, J.Phys.Chem. C 112, 3252 (2008).
158. M. Sukharev, J. Sung, K. G. Spears and T. Seideman, Optical Properties of
Metal Nanoparticles without a Center of Inversion Symmetry: Observation of
Volume Plasmons, Phys.Rev. B 76, 184302 (2007).
157. S. S. Viftrup, V. Kumarappan, S. Trippel, H. Stapelfeldt, E. Hamilton and T.
Seideman, Holding and Spinning Molecules in Space, Phys.Rev.Lett. 99,
143602 (2007).
156. S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman,Information Content of High Harmonics
Generated from Aligned Molecules, Phys.Rev.Lett. 99, 113901 (2007).
155. S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Torsional Alignment by Intense Pulses,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 99, 103001 (2007).
154. L. Holmegaard, V. Kumarappan, S. S. Viftrup, C. Z. Bisgaard, H. Stapelfeldt,
E. Hamilton and T. Seideman, Control of Rotational Wavepacket Dynamics in
Asymmetric Top Molecules, Phys.Rev. A 75 051403 (2007).
153. R. Jorn, E. Livshits, R. Baer and T. Seideman, The Role of Charge
Localization in Current-Driven Dynamics, Special Issue of Israel Journal of
Chemistry 47, 99 (2007).
152. M. Besbes, J.P. Hugonin, P. Lalanne, S. van Haver, O.T.A. Janssen, A.M.
Nugrowati, M. Xu, S.F. Pereira, H.P. Urbach, A.S. van de Nes, P. Bienstman,
G. Granet, S. Helfert, M. Sukharev, T. Seideman, F. I. Baida, B. Guizal and
D. Van Labeke, Numerical Analysis of A Slit-Groove Diffraction Problem,
Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications 2, 07022 (2007).
151. M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Light Trapping and Guidance in Plasmonic
Nanocrystals, J.Chem.Phys. 126, 204702 (2007).
150. M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Coherent Control of Light Propagation via
Nanoparticle Arrays, Special Issue on Light Control at the Nanoscale, J.Phys.
B 40, S283 (2007).
149. G. Gay, O. Alloschery, J. Weiner, H.J. Lezec, C. O’Dwyer, M. Sukharev and
T. Seideman, Surface quality and surface waves on subwavelength-structured
silver films, Phys.Rev. E 75, 016612 (2007).
148. A. Pelzer, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Optimal Control of Molecular
Alignment in Dissipative Media, J.Chem.Phys. 126, 034503 (2007).
147. A. Markmann, S. Luber, I Rivalta, M. Artamonov, T. Seideman and V.
Batista, Dynamical Simulation of Alignment-Dependent Cis-Trans
Isomerization in Rhodopsin, Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical
Society 242Nd National Meeting of The American-Chemical-Society (2011).
146. O. Deeb, M. Leibscher, J. Manz, W. von Muellern and T. Seideman, Toward
Separation of Nuclear Spin Isomers with Coherent Light, Chem. Phys. Chem.
8, 322 (2007).
145. C.-C. Kaun and T. Seideman,The Gating Efficiency of Single-Molecule
Transistors, Special Issue of the Journal of Computational and Theoretical
Nanoscience 3, 951 (2007) (invited).
144. G. Gay, O. Alloschery, J. Weiner, H. J. Lezec, C. O. Dwyer, M. Sukharev and
T. Seideman, The Response of Nanostructured Surfaces in The Near Field,
Nature Physics 2, 792 (2006).
143. N. L. Yoder, N. P. Guisinger, M. C. Hersam, R. Jorn, C.-C. Kaun and T.
Seideman,Quantifying Desorption of Saturated Hydrocarbons from Silicon with
Quantum Calculations and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Phys.Rev.Lett.
97, 187601 (2006).
142. C.-C. Kaun, R. Jorn and T. Seideman, Spontaneous Oscillation of Current in
Fullerene Molecular Junctions, Phys.Rev. B 74, 045415 (2006).
141. S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Coherent Spectroscopy in Dissipative
Media: Time Domain Studies of Channel Phase and Signal Interferometry,
J.Chem.Phys. 124, 244503 (2006).
140. N. Moiseyev and T. Seideman, Alignment of Molecules by Lasers: Derivation
of the Hamiltonian within the (t,t’) Formalism, J.Phys. B:At.Mol.Opt.Phys.
39, L211 (2006).
139. M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Phase and Polarization Control as a Route to
Plasmonic Nano-Devices, Nanolett. 6, 715 (2006).
138. M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Coherent Control Approaches to Light
Guidance in the Nanoscale, J.Chem.Phys. 124, 144707 (2006).
137. M.D. Poulsen, T. Ejdrup, H. Stapelfeldt, E. Hamilton and T. Seideman,
Alignment Enhancement by the Combination of a Short and a Long Laser
Pulse, Phys.Rev. A 73, 033405 (2006).
136. R. Jorn and T. Seideman, Theory of Current Induced Dynamics in
Molecular-Scale Devices, J.Chem.Phys. 124, 084703 (2006).
135. D. Segal, T. Seideman, G. Kurizki and M. Shapiro, Enhancement of Nuclear
Tunneling through Coulomb-Barriers Using Molecular-Cages, Chem.Phys.Lett.
420, 241 (2006).
134. S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Dissipative Dynamics of Laser Induced
Nonadiabatic Molecular Alignment, J.Chem.Phys. 124, 034101 (2006).
133. P. Kr´al and T. Seideman, Current-Induced Rotation of Helical Molecular
Wires, J.Chem.Phys. 123, 184702 (2005).
132. E. Hamilton, T. Seideman, T. Ejdrup, M.D. Poulsen, C.Z. Bisgaard, S. S.
Viftrup and H. Stapelfeldt, Alignment of Symmetric Top Molecules by Short
Laser Pulses, Phys.Rev. A 72, 043402 (2005).
131. S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Intense Laser Alignment in Dissipative
Media as a Route to Solvent Properties, Phys.Rev.Lett. 95, 113001 (2005).
130. C.-C. Kaun and T. Seideman, Current-Driven Oscillations and
Time-Dependent Transport in Nano-Junctions, Phys.Rev.Lett. 94, 226801
129. Y. Suzuki and T. Seideman, Mapping Rotational Coherences onto
Time-Resolved Photoelectron Imaging Observables, J.Chem.Phys. 122, 234302
128. D.P. Sheehan and T. Seideman, Intrinsically-Biased Electrocapacitive
Catalysis, J.Chem.Phys. 122, 204713 (2005).
127. D. Shemesh, R. Baer, T. Seideman and R.B. Gerber, Photoionization
Dynamics of Glycine adsorbed on a Silicon Cluster: ”On-the-Fly” Simulations,
J.Chem.Phys. 122, 184704 (2005).
126. T. Seideman, Nonadiabatic Vibronic Dynamics as a Tool. From Surface
Nanochemistry to Coherently Driven Molecular Machines, Israel J.Chem. 45,
227 (2005).
125. S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, Coherence Spectroscopy in Dissipative
Media. A Liouville Space Approach, J.Chem.Phys. 122, 084502 (2005).
124. M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Optical Control of Nonradiative Decay in
Polyatomic Molecules, Phys.Rev. A 71, 012509 (2005).
123. E. P´eronne, M.D. Poulsen, H. Stapelfeldt, C.Z. Bisgaard, E. Hamilton, and T.
Seideman, Nonadiabatic Laser Induced Alignment of Iodobenzene Molecules,
Phys.Rev. A 70, 063410 (2004).
122. M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, An Optimal Control Approach to Suppression
of Radiationless Transitions, Phys.Rev.Lett. 93, 093004 (2004).
121. M.D. Poulsen, E. Peronne, C.Z. Bisgaard, H. Stapelfeldt E. Hamilton and T.
Seideman, Revivals of Nonadiabatic Alignment of Asymmetric Top Molecules,
J.Chem.Phys. 121, 783 (2004).
120. R. Baer, T. Seideman, S. Ilani and D. Neuhauser, Ab-Initio Study of the AC
Impedance of a Molecular Junction, J.Chem.Phys. 120, 3387 (2004).
119. Y. Suzuki, M. Stener and T. Seideman, Theory of Time-Resolved Photoelectron
Imaging. Comparison of a Density Functional with a Time-Dependent Density
Functional Approach, J.Chem.Phys. 120, 1172 (2004).
118. T. Seideman, Current-Driven Dynamics in Quantum Electronics, J.Mod.Opt.
50, 2393 (2003).
117. E. P´eronne, M.D. Poulsen, C.Z. Bisgaard, H. Stapelfeldt and T. Seideman,
Nonadiabatic Alignment of Asymmetric Top Molecules: Field-Free Alignment
of Iodobenzene, Phys.Rev.Lett. 91, 043003 (2003).
116. R.J. Gordon, L. Zhu, A. Schroeder and T. Seideman, Nanolithography Using
Molecular Optics, J.App.Phys. 94, 669 (2003).
115. Y. Suzuki, M. Stener and T. Seideman, Multidimensional Calculation of
Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular Distributions. The Internal Conversion
Dynamics of Pyrazine, J.Chem.Phys. 118, 4432 (2003).
114. Y. Suzuki, M. Stener and T. Seideman, Theory of Time-Resolved
Photoelectron Imaging. Nonperturbative Calculation for an Internally
Converting Polyatomic Molecule, Phys.Rev.Lett. 89, 233002 (2002).
113. S. Alavi, B. Larade, J. Taylor, H. Guo and T. Seideman, Current-Triggered
Vibrational Excitation in Single-Molecule Transistors, Special Issue of
Chem.Phys. on Transport in Molecular Wires 281, 293 (2002).
112. A. Khachatrian, R. Billotto, L. Zhu, R.J. Gordon and T. Seideman, Study of
Isotope Effects in the Photoionization of HI and DI using phase lag
spectroscopy, J.Chem.Phys. 116, 9326 (2002).
111. T. Seideman, On the Dynamics of Rotationally-Broad, Spatially-Aligned
Wavepackets, J.Chem.Phys. 115, 5965 (2001).
110. T. Seideman, Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular Distributions as a Probe
of Coupled Polyatomic Dynamics, Phys.Rev. A 64, 042504 (2001).
109. S. Alavi and T. Seideman, Reaction Induced by a Scanning Tunneling
Microscope: Theory and Application, J.Chem.Phys. 115, 1882 (2001).
108. H. Lefebvre-Brion, T. Seideman and R.J. Gordon, Multichannel Quantum
Defect Calculation of the Phase Lag in the Coherent Control of HI,
J.Chem.Phys. 114, 9402 (2001).
107. S. Alavi, R. Rousseau, G.P. Lopinski, R.A. Wolkow and T. Seideman,
Controlling Organic Reactions on Silicon Surfaces with a Scanning Tunneling
Microscope. Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Resonance-Mediated
Desorption, Faraday Discuss.Chem.Soc. 117, 213 (2001).
106. K. Resch, V. Blanchet, A. Stolow and T. Seideman, Polyatomic Wavepacket
Decomposition. Final State Effects, Special Issue of J.Phys.Chem. A 105,
2756 (2001).
105. S. Unny, Y. Du, L. Zhu, R.J. Gordon, A. Sugita, M. Kawasaki, Y. Matsumi
and T. Seideman, Above-Threshold Dissociative Ionization in the Intermediate
Intensity Regime, Phys.Rev.Lett. 86, 2245 (2001).
104. I.L. Moudrakovski, S.R. Breeze, B. Simard, C.I. Ratcliffe, J.A. Ripmeester, T.
Seideman, J.S. Tse and G. Santyr, Gas Phase Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in
129Xe Revisited, J.Chem.Phys. 114, 2173 (2001).
103. T. Seideman, General Discussion, Faraday Discuss.Chem.Soc. 117, pp. 162,
185, 264, 265, 266, 267, 274 (2001).
102. S. Alavi, R. Rousseau, S.N. Patitsas, G.P. Lopinski, R.A. Wolkow and T.
Seideman, Inducing Desorption of Organic Molecules with a Scanning
Tunneling Microscope. Theory and Experiments, Phys.Rev.Lett. 85, 5372
101. S.C. Althorpe and T. Seideman, Predictions of Rotation-Vibration Effects in
Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular Distributions, J.Chem.Phys. 113, 7901
100. J.J. Larsen, K. Hald, N. Bjerre, H. Stapelfeldt and T. Seideman, Three
Dimensional Alignment of Molecules Using Elliptically Polarized Laser Fields,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 85, 2470 (2000).
99. J.A. Fiss, A. Khachatrian, K. Truhins, L. Zhu, R. Gordon and T. Seideman,
Direct Observation of a Breit-Wigner Phase of a Wave Function,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 85, 2096 (2000).
98. T. Seideman and S.C. Althorpe, Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular
Distributions as a Map of Rotational Motions, Special Issue of
J.Elect.Spect.Relat. Phenomena 108, 99 (2000).
97. V. Blanchet, S. Lochbrunner, M. Schmitt, J.P. Shaffer, J.J. Larsen, M.
Zgierski, T. Seideman and A. Stolow, Toward Disentangling Coupled
Electronic-Vibrational Dynamics in Ultrafast Nonadiabatic Processes, Faraday
Discuss.Chem.Soc. 115, 33 (2000).
96. S. Alavi, R. Rousseau and T. Seideman, Toward Control of Surface Reactions
with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope. Structure and Dynamics of Benzene
Desorption from a Silicon Surface, J.Chem.Phys. 113, 4412 (2000).
95. T. Seideman, Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular Distributions as a means
of Studying Polyatomic Nonadiabatic Dynamics, J.Chem.Phys. Rapid
Communication 113, 1677 (2000).
94. T. Seideman, On the Revival Structure of Aligned Rotational Wavepackets,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 83, 4971 (1999).
93. J.A. Fiss, A. Khachatrian, L. Zhu, R. Gordon and T. Seideman, The Role of
Molecular and Resonance Phases in the Coherent Control of Chemical
Reactions, Faraday Discuss.Chem.Soc. 113, 61 (1999).
92. T. Seideman, Phase-Sensitive Observables as a Route to Understanding
Molecular Continua, J.Chem.Phys. 111, 9168 (1999).
91. V. Blanchet, M. Zgierski, T. Seideman and A. Stolow, Discerning Vibronic
Molecular Dynamics via Time Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Nature
401, 52 (1999).
90. T. Seideman, New Means of Spatially Manipulating Molecules with Light,
J.Chem.Phys. 111, 4397 (1999).
89. Z.-C. Yan and T. Seideman, Photomanipulation of External Molecular Modes.
A Time-Dependent Self-Consistent-Field Approach, J.Chem.Phys. 111, 4113
88. S.C. Althorpe and T. Seideman, Molecular Alignment from Femtosecond
Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular Distributions. Non Perturbative
Calculations on NO, J.Chem.Phys. 110, 147 (1999).
87. H. Guo and T. Seideman, A Quantum Mechanical Study of Photodissociation
of Oriented ClNO(S1), Special Issue of Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. on Reaction
Dynamics 1, 1265 (1999).
86. J.A. Fiss, L. Zhu, R.J. Gordon and T. Seideman, The Origin of a Phase Lag
in the Coherent Control of Photoionization and Photodissociation,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 82, 65 (1999).
85. T. Seideman, General Discussion, Faraday Discuss.Chem.Soc. 113, pp. 84,
90, 101, 104, 105, 341, 342, 344, 345, 465, 467, 468 (1999).
84. T. Seideman and V. Kharchenko, Two-Dimensional Scattering of Slow
Molecules by Laser Beams, J.Chem.Phys. 108, 6272 (1998).
83. T. Seideman, The Role of a Molecular Phase in Two-Pathway Excitation
Schemes, J.Chem.Phys. 108, 1915 (1998).
82. T. Seideman, Shaping Molecular Beams with Intense Light, J.Chem.Phys.
107, 10420 (1997).
81. T. Seideman and H. Guo, Theory of Desorption Induced by Electronic
Transitions II. The Strong Interaction Regime, J.Chem.Phys. 107, 8627
80. L. Zhu, K. Suto, J.A. Fiss, R. Wada, T. Seideman and R.J. Gordon, The
Effect of Resonances on the Coherent Control of the Ionization and
Dissociation of HI and DI, Phys.Rev.Lett. 79, 4108 (1997).
79. T. Seideman, Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular Distributions. A
Nonperturbative Theory, J.Chem.Phys. 107, 7859 (1997).
78. A. Haran, A. Kadyshevitch, H. Cohen, R. Naaman, D. Evans, T. Seideman
and A. Nitzan, Electronic Transmission Through Band Structure in Organized
Organic Thin Films, Chem.Phys.Lett. 268, 475 (1997).
77. T. Seideman, Molecular Optics in Intense Laser Fields. A Route to Nanoscale
Material Design, Phys.Rev. A 56, R17 (1997).
76. E.A.Torres, D.Y. Kim, L.C. Pipes, D.A. Baugh and T. Seideman,
Experimental and Theoretical Photofragmentation Dynamics of
Rovibronic-Magnetic State-Selected ND3, J.Chem.Soc.Faraday Trans. 93, 931
75. T. Seideman, Manipulating External Degrees of Freedom with Intense Light.
Laser-focusing and Trapping Molecules, J.Chem.Phys. 106, 2881 (1997).
74. T. Seideman, Theory of Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions. A
Time-Independent Quantum Mechanical Approach, J.Chem.Phys. 106, 417
73. M.Yu. Ivanov, T. Seideman, P.B. Corkum, P. Dietrich and F.A. Ilkov,
Explosive Ionization of Molecules in Intense Laser Fields, Phys.Rev. A 54,
1541 (1996).
72. L. Liu, H. Guo and T. Seideman, A Coherent Transition Model for
Photodesorption from Metals. NH3/Cu, J.Chem.Phys. 104, 8757 (1996).
71. T. Seideman, The Analysis of Magnetic-State-Selected Angular Distributions.
A Quantum Mechanical Form and an Asymptotic Approximation,
Chem.Phys.Lett. 253, 279 (1996).
70. T. Seideman, M.Yu. Ivanov,and P.B. Corkum, The use of Intense-Field
Ionization in Time-Resolved Measurements, Chem.Phys.Lett. 252, 181 (1996).
69. T. Seideman, The Predissociation Dynamics of Ammonia. A Theoretical
Study, J.Chem.Phys. 103, 10556 (1995).
68. H. Guo and T. Seideman, Quantum Mechanical Studies of Photodesorption of
Ammonia from Metal Surfaces. Isotope Effects, Final State Distributions and
Desorption Mechanisms, J.Chem.Phys. 103, 9062 (1995).
67. T. Seideman, Rotational Excitation and Molecular Alignment in Intense Laser
Fields, J.Chem.Phys. 103, 7887 (1995).
66. T. Seideman, M.Yu. Ivanov and P.B. Corkum, The Role of Electron
Localization in Intense-Field Molecular Ionization, Phys.Rev.Lett. 75, 2819
65. T. Seideman and H. Guo, Photodissociation of HCl+/MgO(001). The Static
and Dynamic Effects of the Surface, J.Chem.Phys. 103, 2745 (1995).
64. T. Seideman, On the Selection of Magnetic States in Angle-Resolved
Photodissociation, J.Chem.Phys. 102, 6487 (1995).
63. U. Manthe, T. Seideman and W.H. Miller, Quantum Mechanical Calculation
of the Rate Constant for the H2+OH→H2O+H Reaction. Full-Dimensional
Results and Comparison to Reduced Dimensionality Models, J.Chem.Phys.
101, 4759 (1994).
62. T. Seideman, Resonances in the CH+N2 →HCN+N(4S) Reaction. The
Dynamics of a Spin-Forbidden Process, J.Chem.Phys. 101, 3662 (1994).
61. T. Seideman and S.P. Walch, Two-Dimensional Potential Energy Surfaces for
the CH+N2 reaction, J.Chem.Phys. 101, 3656 (1994).
60. U. Manthe, T. Seideman and W.H. Miller, Full-Dimensional Quantum
Mechanical Calculation of the Rate Constant for the H2+OH→H2O+H
Reaction, J.Chem.Phys. 99, 10078 (1993).
59. T. Seideman, Photodissociation of HBr/LiF(001). A Quantum Mechanical
Model, J.Chem.Phys. 99, 4766 (1993).
58. T. Seideman, A New Method for the Calculation of Photodissociation Cross
Sections, J.Chem.Phys. 98, 1989 (1993).
57. T. Seideman and W.H. Miller, Quantum Mechanical Reaction Probabilities via
a Discrete Variable Representation-Absorbing Boundary Condition Green’s
Function, J.Chem.Phys. 97, 2499 (1992).
56. T. Seideman and W.H. Miller, Calculation of the Cumulative Reaction
Probability via a Discrete Variable Representation with Absorbing Boundary
Conditions, J.Chem.Phys. 96, 4412 (1992).
55. T. Seideman and W.H. Miller, Transition State Theory, Siegert Eigenstates
and Quantum Mechanical Reaction Rates, J.Chem.Phys. 95, 1768 (1991).
54. T. Seideman, J.L. Krause, and M. Shapiro, Quantum Theory of Laser
Catalysis in One and Three Dimensions, Faraday Discuss.Chem.Soc. 91, 271
53. T. Seideman and M. Shapiro, Three-Dimensional Quantum Theory of the
H+H2 Reaction in Strong Laser Fields, J.Chem.Phys. 94, 7910 (1991).
52. T. Seideman, J.L. Krause and M. Shapiro, Optically Assisted H+H2 Exchange
Reaction and Reactive Scattering Resonances, Chem.Phys.Lett. 173, 169
51. T. Seideman and M. Shapiro, Three-Dimensional Quantum Theory of the
H+H2 Transition-State Spectrum, J.Chem.Phys. 92, 2328 (1990).
50. T. Seideman, The Liquid Crystalline Blue Phases, Reports on Progress in
Physics 53, 659 (1990).
49. T. Seideman, M. Shapiro and P. Brumer, Coherent Radiative Control of
Unimolecular Reactions. Selective Bond Breaking with Picosecond Pulses,
J.Chem.Phys. 90, 7132 (1989).
48. T. Seideman and M. Shapiro, Laser Catalysis and Transition-State Spectra of
the H+H2 Exchange Reaction, J.Chem.Phys. 88, 5525 (1988).
47. T. Seideman, M. Shapiro and Z. Vager, Theory of the Coherent Decay of
High-Lying Rydberg States in Beam-Foil Encounters, Phys.Rev. A 35, 87
46. N. Yoder, R. Jorn, M. Hersam and T. Seideman, Current-Driven Desorption
at the Organic Molecule-Semiconductor Interface: Cyclopentene on Si(100) in
Current-Driven Phenomena in Nanoelectronics (Pan Stanford Publishing,
Singapore 2010).
45. R. Billotto, A. Khachatrian, R.J. Gordon, H. Lefebvre-Brion and T.
Seideman, Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Channel Phase in the
Coherent Control of Molecular Processes, in Laser Control and Manipulation
of Molecules, Vol. 821, edited by A.D. Bandrauk and Y. Fujimura (ACS
Books, Washington DC, 2002), p. 47.
44. T. Seideman, Molecular Optics in Intense Fields. From Lenses to Mirrors, in
Atomic and Molecular Beams, edited by R. Campargue (Springer Verlag,
Berlin, 2001), p. 133.
43. R.J. Gordon, J.A. Fiss, A. Khachatrian, K. Truhins, L. Zhu and T. Seideman,
What Have We Learned from the Phase Lag in Coherent Control
Experiments? in Advances in Multiphoton Processes and Spectroscopy, Vol.
14. Quantum Control of Molecular Reaction Dynamics, edited by R. J.
Gordon and Y. Fujimura (World Scientific, Singapore, 2001), p. 99.
42. T. Seideman, Forming Superposition States, in Computational Molecular
Spectroscopy, edited by P.R. Bunker and P. Jensen (John Wiley & Sons,
Chichester, 2000), p. 589.
41. R.J. Gordon, J.A. Fiss, L. Zhu and T. Seideman, Phase Control
of Photoionization and Photodissociation, in Coherent Control in Atoms,
Molecules, and Semiconductors, edited by W. Poetz and W. A. Schroeder,
(Kluwer Academic Publisher, Norwell, 1999), p. 39.
40. T. Seideman, Alignment in Intense, Short-Pulse Laser Fields, in
Femtochemistry: Ultrafast Chemical and Physical Processes in Molecular
Systems, edited by M. Chergui (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), p. 370.
39. W.H. Miller and T. Seideman, Cumulative and State-to-State Reaction
Probabilities via a Discrete Variable Representation-Absorbing Boundary
Condition Green’s Function, in Time-Dependent Quantum Molecular
Dynamics: Experiment and Theory, edited by J. Broeckhove (Plenum, 1992).
38. T. Seideman and R. Jorn, National Meeting of the American Chemical
Society, Orlando, FL March 2019. Title: Current-driven dynamics in
molecular-scale electronics.
37. T. Seideman, B. Ashwell and S. Ramakrishna, 256th National Meeting of the
American-Chemical-Society, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Beyond,
Boston, MA August 2018. Title: Strong Field Coherent Control.
36. T. Purcell and T. Seideman, 255th National Meeting of the
American-Chemical-Society, Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water, New Orleans,
LA March 2018. Title: Determining the Orientation of Molecular Dipoles on
Random 2D Nanoplasmonic Structures.
35. E. Sprague-Klein, M. McAnally, D. Zhdanov, et al. 255th National Meeting
and Exposition of the American- Chemical Society – Nexus of Food, Energy,
and Water, New Orleans, LA March 2018. Title: Observation of single
molecule plasmon-driven electron transfer in isotopically edited 4,4 ’-bipyridine
gold nanosphere oligomers
34. Z. Hu, M. Ratner and T. Seideman, 251 Meeting of the
American-Chemical-Society, March 2016. Title: Direct Basis Approach to
Nonorthogonality in Second Quantization: Theory and Application.
33. T. Seideman and J. Szekely, 251 Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society,
March 2016. Title: New Directions in Coherent Alignment. From Spinning
Tops to Ultrafast Switches.
32. J. Szekely and T. Seideman, 251 Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society,
March 2016. Title: Adiabatic Alignment Thresholds of Molecules.
31. A. Hu, M. Sonntag and T. Seideman, 246 Meeting of the
American-Chemical-Society, September 2013. Title: Ultrafast
Nanoplasmonics: Toward Coherently Controlled Chemistry at the Time Space
30. S. Rostami, B. Kamer, L. Arissian, J.-C. Diels, and T. Seideman, Nonlinear
Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications
XIII, SPIE LASER (2013). Title: Polarization Evolution of Laser Filaments
in Air and the Contribution of Pre-ilamentation Propagation.
29. B. Ashwell, S. Ramakrishna and T. Seideman, 245th National Meeting of the
American-Chemical-Society, New Orleans (2013). Title: Coherent Alignment
in Complex Systems: Fundamentals and Directions.
28. E. McKee, K. Lim, M. Durand, S. Ramakrishna, M. Baudelet, T. Seideman
and M. Richardson, Frontiers in Optics (2013). Title: Filamentation as a
Mean of Probing Molecular Alignment.
27. Jiang Nan, E. Foley, J. Klingsporn, et al., 244th National Fall Meeting of the
American-Chemical-Society, Philadelphia, PA August 2012. Title:
Observation of Multiple Vibrational Modes in Ultrahigh Vacuum Tip-Enhanced
Raman Spectroscopy Combined with Molecular-Resolution Scanning Tunneling
26. L. S. Spector, S Wang, J. P. Farrell, B. K. McFarland, M. Guehr, P. H.
Bucksbaum, M. Artamonov and T. Seideman, IEEE Conference on Lasers and
Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2012. Title: Field-Free Asymmetric Top Alignment
and Rotational Revivals Using High Harmonic Generation.
25. A. Markmann, S. Luber, I Rivalta, M. Artamonov, T. Seideman and V.
Batista, 242Nd National Meeting Of The American-Chemical-Society, Denver,
CO 2011. Title: Dynamical Simulation of Alignment-Dependent Cis-Trans
Isomerization in Rhodopsin.
24. K. Knowles, A. Rasmussen, M. McPhail et al., 242nd National Meeting of the
American-Chemical-Society, Denver, CO August 2011. Title: Charge Transfer
Between Bulk and Quantized Lead-Salt Semiconductors.
23. T. Seideman and M. Sukharev, 235th American-Chemical-Society National
Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2008. Title: Toward Coherent Control in the
22. N. L. Yoder, M. Hersam, T. Seideman, et al., 233rd National Meeting of the
Cellulose-and-Renewable-Materials-Division of the
American-Chemical-Society, Chicago, IL March 2007. Title: Single Molecule
Bound-Free Reactions of Saturated Hydrocarbons on Si(100): UHV-STM and
Quantum Calculations.
21. S. Ramakrishna, A. Pelzer and T. Seideman, Coherent Control and Coherence
Spectroscopy of Rotational Wavepackets in Dissipative Media, in Coherent
Control of Molecules, B. Lasorne and G. A. Worth Eds. (Daresbury, 2006) p.
20. M. Sukharev and T. Seideman, Conference on Physics and Simulation of
Optoelectronic Devices XIV, San Jose, CA Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
6115, 11517 (2006), edited by M. Osinski, F Henneberger, and Y Arakawa.
Title: Phase-Polarization Control as a Route to Plasmonic Nano-devices.
19. T. Seideman, 231st National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society,
Atlanta, GA March 2006. Title: Current-Driven Phenomena in Molecular
Electronics: From Surface Nanochemistry to New Forms of Molecular
18. T. Seideman, 231st National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society,
Atlanta, GA March 2006. Title: Intense Laser Alignment in Dissipative
Media. From Coherence Spectroscopy to Optical Control.
17. T. Seideman, International Conference on Nonadiabatic Processes at Surfaces,
Kibbutz Ein Gedi, Israel 2004. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 45 227 (2005).
Title: Nonadiabatic Vibronic Dynamics as A Tool. From Surface
Nanochemistry To Coherently Driven Molecular Machines.
16. T. Seideman, 228th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society,
Philadelphia, August 2004. Title: On the Dynamics of Rotationally-Broad
15. R. Billotto, A. Khachatrian, L.-C. Zhu et al., International Chemical Congress
of Pacific-Basin-Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii December 2000. Laser Control
and Manipulation of Molecules, Book Series: ACS Symposium Series 821, 47
(2002). Title: Experimental and Theoretical Studies of The Channel Phase in
the Coherent Control of Molecular Processes.
14. A. Khachatrian, R. Billotto, L.C. Zhu, et al., National Meeting of the
American-Chemical-Society, August 2001. Title: Study of Isotope Effects in
the Photoionization Of HI And DI Using Phase Lag Spectroscopy.
13. T. Seideman, National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society, August
2001. Title: On the Control of External Molecular Modes with Laser and STM
12. S. Unny, L.-C. Zhu, R. J. Gordon et al., National Meeting of the
American-Chemical-Society, August 2001. Title: Creating Rotational
Wavepackets using Picosecond Laser Pulses.
11. T. Seideman, National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society, April 2001.
Title: Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular Distributions as A Probe Of
Coupled Polyatomic Dynamics: Concepts and Applications.
10. R. J. Gordon, J. A. Fiss, L. C. Zhu and T. Seideman, International Workshop
on Coherent Control of Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors, Univ Illinois
Chicago, Chicago, IL Coherent Control in Atoms, Molecules, and
Semiconductors Edited by W. Potz and W. A. Schroeder, 39 (1999). Title:
Coherent Phase Control of Photoionization and Photodissociation.
9. T. Seideman, National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society, April 1997.
Title: Laser-Induced Molecular Optics: From Stereodynamics To Nanoscale
8. T. Seideman, Lausanne Conference on Femtochemistry – Ultrafast Chemical
and Physical Processes in Molecular Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland 1996,
Femtochemistry: Ultrafast Chemical And Physical Processes in Molecular
Systems, Edited by M Chergui. Title: Alignment in Intense, Short-Pulse
Laser Fields
7. M.Yu. Ivanov, T. Seideman and P.B. Corkum, QELS ’95 16, 232 (1995).
Title: Critical Distance for Explosive Ionization of Diatomic Molecules
6. H. Guo and T. Seideman, Quantum and Classical Dynamics of
HCl+/MgO(001) Photodissociation, SPIE Conference Proceedings 2547, 411
5. T. Seideman, National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society August
1994. Title Surface Crossing Phenomena in Unimolecular and Biomolecular
4. T. Seideman and W. H. Miller, National Meeting of the
American-Chemical-Society, April 1992. Title: Calculation of the Cumulative
Reaction Probability via A Discrete Variable Representation with Absorbing
3. W. H. Miller and T. Seideman, Nato Advanced Research Workshop on
Time-Dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics : Theory and Experiment.
Snowbird, March 1992. Time-Dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics,
NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series B, Physics 299, 267 1992.
Title: Cumulative and State-to-State Reaction Probabilities via a Discrete
Variable Representation – Absorbing Boundary-Condition Green-Function.
2. T. Seideman and M. Shapiro, National Meeting Of The
American-Chemical-Society September 1989. Title: 3-Dimensional
Quantum-Theory of the H+H2 Transition-State Spectrum and Laser Catalysis.
1. M. Shapiro and T. Seideman, The Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum
Chemistry and Biochemistry, edited by B. Pullman and J. Jortner (D. Reidel,
1987), p. 361. Title: Coherent Control and Laser Catalysis of Chemical