

Glaser JI, Wood DK, Lawlor PN, Segraves MA, Kording KP (2020) From Prior Information to Saccade Selection: Evolution of Frontal Eye Field Activity during Natural Scene Search. Cerebral Cortex 30: 1957-1973. PDF

Segraves MA, Kuo E, Caddigan S, Berthiaume EA, Kording KP (2017) Predicting rhesus monkey eye movements during natural-image search. Journal of Vision 17:12. PDF

Glaser JI, Wood DK, Lawlor PN, Ramkumar P, Kording KP, Segraves MA (2016) The role of expected reward in frontal eye field during natural scene search. J Neurophysiol:jn 00119 02016. PDF

Ramkumar P, Lawlor PN, Glaser JI, Wood DK, Phillips AN, Segraves MA, Kording KP (2016) Feature-based attention and spatial selection in frontal eye fields during natural scene search. J Neurophysiol:jn 01044 02015. PDF

Wang L, Liu M, Segraves MA, Cang J (2015) Visual experience is required for the development of eye movement maps in the mouse superior colliculus. J Neuroscience 35:12281-12286. PDF

Ramkumar P, Fernandes H, Kording K, Segraves M (2015) Modeling peripheral visual acuity enables discovery of gaze strategies at multiple time scales during natural scene search. J Vis 15. PDF

Fernandes HL, Stevenson IH, Phillips AN, Segraves MA, Kording KP (2014) Saliency and Saccade Encoding in the Frontal Eye Field During Natural Scene Search. Cerebral Cortex 24:3232-3245. PDF

Campos M, Segraves MA (2011) Signal multiplexing in neural circuits – the superior colliculus deserves a new look. Front Integr Neurosci 5:5. PDF

Ratcliff R, Hasegawa YT, Hasegawa RP, Childers R, Smith PL, Segraves MA (2011) Inhibition in superior colliculus neurons in a brightness discrimination task. Neural Comput 23:1790-1820. PDF

Phillips AN, Segraves MA (2010) Predictive activity in macaque frontal eye field neurons during natural scene searching. J Neurophysiol 103:1238-1252. PDF

Hasegawa RP, Hasegawa YT, Segraves MA (2009) Neural mind reading of multi-dimensional decisions by monkey mid-brain activity. Neural Netw 22:1247-1256. PDF

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Hasegawa RP, Hasegawa YT, Segraves MA (2008) Neural prediction of multidimensional decisions in monkey superior colliculus. IEICE Transactions on Communication Special Issue on Brain Communication. PDF

Hasegawa RP, Hasegawa YT, Segraves MA (2008) Prediction of a go/no-go decision from single-trial activity of multiple neurons in monkey superior colliculus. In: Neural information processing (Ishikawa M, Doya K, Miyamoto H, Yamakawa T, eds), pp 997- 1006: Springer. PDF

Ratcliff R, Hasegawa YT, Hasegawa RP, Smith P, Segraves MA (2007) A dual diffusion model for single cell recording data from the superior colliculus in a brightness discrimination task. Journal of Neurophysiology 97:1756-1774. PDF

Hasegawa RP, Hasegawa YT, Segraves MA (2006) Single trial-based prediction of a go/no-go decision in monkey superior colliculus. Neural Networks 19:1223-1232. PDF

Farrell S, Ratcliff R, Cherian A, Segraves M (2006) Modeling unidimensional categorization in monkeys. Learning and Behavior 34:86-101. PDF

Campos, M., A. Cherian, and M. A. Segraves. (2006) Effects of eye position upon activity of neurons in macaque superior colliculus. Journal of Neurophysiology 95: 505-526. PDF

Ratcliff R., A. Cherian, and M. A. Segraves (2003) A comparison of macaque behavior and superior colliculus neuronal activity to predictions from models of two-choice decisions. Journal of Neurophysiology 90:1392-1407. PDF

Helminski, J. O., and M. A. Segraves (2003). Macaque frontal eye field input to saccade-related neurons in the superior colliculus. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90: 1046-62. PDF

Segraves M. A. (2002) Cerebral control of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements. In: Virtual lesions: understanding perception and behavior with reversible deactivation techniques (Lomber S, Galuske R, eds), pp 215-238. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. PDF

Dias, E. C., and M. A. Segraves (1999) Muscimol-induced inactivation of monkey frontal eye field: effects on visually and memory-guided saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology, 81: 2191-2214. PDF

Dias, E. C., and M. A. Segraves (1997) A pressure system for the microinjection of substances into the brain of awake monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 72: 43-47. PDF

Dias, E. C., and M. A. Segraves (1996) The primate frontal eye field and the generation of saccadic eye movements: comparison of lesion and acute inactivation/activation studies. Rev. Brasil. Biol., 56 (Suppl. 1): 239-255. PDF

Dias, E. C., M. Kiesau, and M. A. Segraves (1995) Acute activation and inactivation of macaque frontal eye field with GABA-related drugs. Journal of Neurophysiology 74: 2744-2748. PDF

Burman, D. D., and M. A. Segraves (1994) Frontal eye field signals involved in the control of saccadic eye movements. In, A. Fuchs, U. Büttner, and D. Zee, editors, Contemporary ocular motor and vestibular research: A tribute to David A. Robinson, Verlag, Berlin. PDF

Segraves, M. A., and M. E. Goldberg (1994) Effect of stimulus position and velocity upon the maintenance of smooth pursuit eye velocity. Vision Research 34: 2477-2482. PDF

Burman, D. D., and M. A. Segraves (1994) Primate frontal eye field activity during natural scanning eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology 71: 1266-1271. PDF

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Goldberg, M. E., and M. A. Segraves (1987) Visuospatial and motor attention in the monkey. Neuropsychologia 25(1A):107-118. PDF

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Deng, S.-Y., M. E. Goldberg, M. A. Segraves, L. G. Ungerleider, and M. Mishkin (1986) “The effect of frontal eye field lesions on oculomotor performance in the monkey”. In Adaptive Processes in Visual and Oculomotor Systems, E. L. Keller, D. S. Zee, ed., pp. 201-208, Pergamon Press, New York. PDF

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Segraves M. A., and G. M. Innocenti (1985) A comparison of the distributions of ipsilaterally and contralaterally projecting cortico-cortical neurons in cat visual cortex using two fluorescent tracers. Journal of Neuroscience 5: 2107-2118. PDF

Segraves M. A., and A. C. Rosenquist (1982) The afferent and efferent callosal connections of retinotopically defined areas in cat cortext. Journal of Neuroscience 2: 1090-1107. PDF

Segraves, M. A., and A. C. Rosenquist (1982) The distribution of the cells of origin of callosal projections in cat visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 2: 1-79-1089. PDF

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