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Glaser JI, Perich MG, Lawlor PN, Ramkumar P, Wood DK, Segraves MA, Miller LE, Kording KP. Options coding in the movement system. Society for Neuroscience, 2016, San Diego, CA

Wood DK, Ramkumar P, Glaser JI, Lawlor PN, Kording KP, Segraves MA. Distinct eye movement strategies differentially reshape visual space. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) Meeting, 2017. Salt Lake City, Utah. PDF

Wood D, Ramkumar P, Glaser J, Lawlor P, Kording K, Segraves M (2018) Dynamic remapping in monkey frontal eye field preserves a retinotopic representation during visual search, then compresses space toward the search target. Journal of Vision 18:202.

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