Phone Call Attacks
Posted August 29, 2019
More and more scams and attacks are happening over the phone. Whenever you get an urgent phone call on the phone pressuring you to...Posted August 29, 2019
More and more scams and attacks are happening over the phone. Whenever you get an urgent phone call on the phone pressuring you to...Posted August 28, 2019
One of the most effective steps you can take to protect your cloud account is to make sure you are using two-step verification. In...Posted August 27, 2019
Be careful: the more information you post online about yourself, the easier it is for a cyber attacker to target you and create custom...Posted August 26, 2019
The most effective steps you can take to secure your wireless network at home is to change the default admin password, enable WPA2 encryption...Posted August 23, 2019
Make sure each of your accounts has a separate, unique password. Can’t remember all of your passwords/passphrases? Consider using a password manager to securely...Posted August 22, 2019
Privacy settings on social networks have limited value. They are confusing to configure and change often. Ultimately, if you do not want your parents...Posted August 21, 2019
When traveling, it is very easy to forget where you are when discussing business with colleagues. That airport, taxi, restaurant or hotel lobby may...Posted August 20, 2019
As summer break ends, many students will return to school with mobile devices, such as smart phones, tablets, and laptops. Although these devices can...Posted August 20, 2019
Passphrases are the strongest type of passwords and the easiest to remember. Simply use an entire sentence for your password, such as “What time...Posted August 19, 2019
A common method cyber criminals use to hack into people’s computers is to send them emails with infected attachments. People are tricked into opening...