Don’t Trust Links Sent in Email Messages
Posted November 11, 2019
A common method cybercriminals use to hack into people’s computers is to send them emails with malicious links. People are tricked into opening these...Posted November 11, 2019
A common method cybercriminals use to hack into people’s computers is to send them emails with malicious links. People are tricked into opening these...Posted October 31, 2019
In the News Shopping on YouTube? In YouTube partners with Merchbar to sell music artists’ swag underneath videos, Sarah Perez at TechCrunch discusses YouTube’s...Posted October 29, 2019
Have you considered a career in Cybersecurity? It is a fast-paced, highly dynamic field with a huge number of specialties to choose from, including...Posted October 25, 2019
In the News Instagram is not in a hurry to preserve your data privacy from third-parties. In Instagram will give you more control over...Posted October 21, 2019
In the News Facebook’s Instagram is taking steps to increase resilience against phishing attacks. In Instagram introduces new tool to help prevent phishing attacks,...Posted October 18, 2019
In the News Another social media platform has admitted to data misuse. In Twitter Uses Phone Numbers, Emails to Sell Ads, Elizabeth Montanbalo at...Posted October 3, 2019
In the News Can a message sent no longer leave a permanent trace? In WhatsApp is testing a self-destructing messages feature, Manish Singh at...Posted September 27, 2019
In the News Biometric data misuse makes the news in a legal case. In Vimeo Slapped With Lawsuit Over Biometrics Privacy Policy, Lindsey O’Donnell...Posted September 24, 2019
In the News Another social media platform is taking action against the financial risks of using its platform. In Twitter details new policies designed...Posted August 27, 2019
Be careful: the more information you post online about yourself, the easier it is for a cyber attacker to target you and create custom...