COVID-19 Related Scams
Posted March 18, 2020
Emails and websites are promising vital information about keeping safe from the coronavirus pandemic that’s sweeping the globe and threatening millions. In fact, a...Posted March 18, 2020
Emails and websites are promising vital information about keeping safe from the coronavirus pandemic that’s sweeping the globe and threatening millions. In fact, a...Posted March 17, 2020
Technology alone cannot protect you. Bad guys are constantly developing new ways to get past firewalls, anti-virus and filters. You are the best defense...Posted March 13, 2020
You may not realize it, but you are a target. Your computer, your work, and personal accounts and your information are all highly valuable...Posted March 10, 2020
More and more scams and attacks are happening over the phone. Whenever you get an urgent phone call on the phone pressuring you to...Posted March 6, 2020
Cyber attackers can just as easily trick or fool you in messaging apps as they can in email. Be on the look-out for scams...Posted February 19, 2020
Companies you do business with should never ask for your account information, credit card numbers or password in an email. If you have any...Posted February 4, 2020
Eventually, we all get hacked. The bad guys are very persistent and we can all make a mistake. If you suspect you have been...Posted January 31, 2020
Companies you do business with should never ask for your account information, credit card numbers or password in an email. If you have any...Posted January 16, 2020
Fake browser updates are dangerous. If you initiate a download, you will expose your device, your data and our organization to a cyber attack. The link below takes you to...Posted January 13, 2020
Bad guys are very persistent, eventually anyone can make a mistake. If a phone call from the “Help Desk” doesn’t sound quite right, if...