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Category: Privacy

Top 5 Malicious Spyware Actions

Disabling antivirus and antispyware tools: To prevent disinfection, some spyware disables antivirus and antispyware tools to lengthen the time the attacker can control the...
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Millennials & Scams

In the News  Millennials may not be as tech-savvy as they think. In FTC: Millennials more likely to report falling victim to financial scams,...
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Google’s Privacy Tools

In the News  Google amps up its privacy initiatives. In Google rolls out new privacy tools for Maps, YouTube and Assistant, Sarah Perez at...
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Earning Money in Exchange for Your Data

In the News  Can data collection be turned into a side hustle? In OzoneAI wants companies to pay you for your data, upending the...
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Are Your Passwords Compromised?

In the News  With all of your account passwords, do you know if any are compromised? In Google is making it easier to check...
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Restricting the Life-span of Your WhatsApp Messages

In the News  Can a message sent no longer leave a permanent trace? In WhatsApp is testing a self-destructing messages feature, Manish Singh at...
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Large Data Breach @ DoorDash

In the News  Another data breach impacts millions. In DoorDash Data Breach Impacts Personal Data of Almost 5M Users, Lindsey O’Donnell at Threatpost discusses...
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Vimeo Lawsuit RE Privacy

In the News  Biometric data misuse makes the news in a legal case. In Vimeo Slapped With Lawsuit Over Biometrics Privacy Policy, Lindsey O’Donnell...
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New Amazon Alexa Products

In the News  Voice assistants are expanding their market. Is Amazon’s Alexa ready to leave home and become a wearable voice assistant? Tom Warren...
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Data Vulnerability on Apple Devices Using Keyboard Extensions

In the News  Can third-party keyboards be causing you more harm than good? In Apple warns that third-party keyboards on iOS 13 and iPadOS...
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