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Category: Privacy

Amazon: Selling Data and Tampering Reviews

In the News  All the rave reviews you see on Amazon products may not be entirely truthful. In Amazon is investigating claims that employees deleted reviews...
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Apple App Steals Data

In the News  Another Apple Store app has been removed as of September 7th. In Apple removes a top paid utility app that stole data...
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Too Many Security Alerts to Handle 

In the News  Security alerts occur at such a high rate, looking into all of them is somewhat impossible. In 174,000 Alerts per Week Besiege...
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Roomba Now Knows Your Home Layout

In the News  New IoT (Internet of Things) items continue to store more user information. In iRobot’s latest Roomba remembers your home’s layout and empties...
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Increase in Email Fraud

In the News  Is the Internet getting more dangerous? In Business Email Fraud Attacks Jump 25% from Infosecurity Magazine, Michael Hill discusses an increase of fraud attempts of both emails...
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Possible Instagram Standalone Apps for Shopping and Messaging

In the News  Instagram seems geared to be a platform that can do it all. In Instagram is building a standalone app for shopping, Casey Newton from The...
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Video Recording on Skype

In the News  Recording a call on Skype has finally gotten easier. In Skype finally adds call recording from TechCrunch, Devin Coldewey discusses Skype’s new and highly anticipated video recording...
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‘Phishing’ for Free Flights

In the News  A phishing attack strikes again. In Mobile Phishing Campaign Offered Free Flights from Infosecurity Magazine, Kacy Zurkus reports on a recent mobile phishing attempt targeting airline...
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The Costs of Cybercrime

In the News  Cybercrime is more costly than you may believe. In Cybercrime Pulls in $1m Every Minute from Infosecurity Magazine, Dan Raywood discusses the rates of cybercrime and the resulting financial losses. Raywood states that almost 2,000 individuals become...
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App Removed from Apple Store After Violating Data Rules

In the News  Apple is cracking down on data-collection. In Facebook violates Apple’s data-gathering rules, pulls VPN from App Store from Ars Technica, Valentina Palladino discusses an app...
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