Illinois’ New Privacy Bill
Posted April 12, 2019
In the News The state of Illinois is taking steps to increase consumer privacy. In Illinois Senate passes defanged bill on IoT devices’ surreptitious eavesdropping, Sean Gallagher...Posted April 12, 2019
In the News The state of Illinois is taking steps to increase consumer privacy. In Illinois Senate passes defanged bill on IoT devices’ surreptitious eavesdropping, Sean Gallagher...Posted April 11, 2019
In the News Two-factor authentication is getting even more secure. In Google will now let you use your Android phone as a physical security key,...Posted April 9, 2019
In the News Do all of your accounts have the strongest privacy settings enabled? In New privacy assistant Jumbo fixes your Facebook & Twitter settings,...Posted April 9, 2019
In the News Is social media spam driving you nuts? If so, you are not alone. In To cut down on spam, Twitter cuts the...Posted April 9, 2019
In the News Did your flash drive store your files before it was unplugged? In Microsoft confirms you really, really don’t need to ‘safely remove’...Posted April 5, 2019
In the News Phishing attacks and email scams continue to plague society. In Document-Based Malware on the Rise in 2019, Kacey Zurkus at InfoSecurity Magazine discusses how phishing attacks...Posted April 5, 2019
In the News Software updates are beneficial but are often viewed as an inconvenience to consumers. In Microsoft’s Windows 10 May 2019 Update puts you...Posted April 4, 2019
In the News Messaging apps and social media platforms are attempting to increase user privacy and autonomy. In WhatsApp adds a new privacy setting for...Posted April 3, 2019
In the News Verizon Wireless customers beware! In Mobile-First Phishing Kit Targets Verizon Customers, Tara Seals at ThreatPost discusses how malicious attackers have been sending Verizon customers phishing links...Posted April 2, 2019
In the News Cybercrime relating to sports is ever increasing. In March Madness Scams Give Attackers Fast Break, Lindsey O’Donnell at ThreatPost discusses the insurgence of cybercrime...