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Category: Privacy

Financial Incentives to Sell Customer Data

In the News  Is your personal data financial benefitting someone else? In 25% of Workers Would Give Away Data for £1000, Phee Waterfield at Infosecurity Magazine discusses a new report which found...
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Password Resetting After a Data Exposure

In the News  Another tech company is recovery from a data breach. In Flipboard hacks prompt password resets for millions of users, Zack Whittaker at Techcrunch discusses...
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Can Privacy and Ad-Tracking Co-exist?

In the News  Ad-tracking, ad-blocking, ad, ads, ads; they are everywhere. In Apple has a plan to make online ads more private, Zack Whittaker at...
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Financial Data Exposure

In the News  Another enormous data exposure. In First American Financial exposed 16 years’ worth of mortgage paperwork, including bank accounts, Dieter Bohn at The...
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Better Wi-Fi Security

In the News  How safe are public wi-fi networks? In Microsoft Beefs Up Wi-Fi Protection, Tara Seals at Threatpost discusses how Microsoft’s most recent updates will now allow consumers to know...
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Snapchat Employees Have Access to Your Data

In the News  Your saved snaps can be seen by who? In Snapchat: Your latest reminder anyone a company hires could theoretically breach your privacy,...
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Spotify Passwords Get Reset

In the News  Spotify is the latest company leaving users confused after changing their passwords. In Spotify resets some account passwords citing ‘suspicious activity’, Zack...
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Accounts Vulnerable at Khan Academy

In the News  Accounts exposed at another major company. In Critical Flaws in Khan Academy Opened Door to Account Takeovers, Lindsey O’Donnell at ThreatPost discusses how two...
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Instagram Data Exposure

In the News  Just how public is the information used on social media platforms? In Millions of Instagram influencers had their private contact data scraped...
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Endless Data Storage Through Gmail

In the News  Do you know how much data is stored in your Gmail email account? In Google has been tracking nearly everything you buy...
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