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Category: Phishing

Use Caution Opening Email Attachments

A common method cyber criminals use to hack into people’s computers is to send them emails with infected attachments. People are tricked into opening...
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Personalized Scams

Cyber criminals now have a wealth of information on almost all of us. With so many hacked organizations now a days, cyber criminals simply...
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Reporting an Incident

Bad guys are very persistent, eventually anyone can make a mistake. If a phone call from the “Help Desk” doesn’t sound quite right, if...
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Ransomware is a special type of malware. Once it infected your computer, it encrypts all of your files and demands you pay a ransome...
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WhatsApp Spyware

In the News  Are you running the newest version of WhatsApp? In Update WhatsApp now to avoid spyware installation from a single missed call, Thomas...
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Phishing Attack Potential Through Google Chrome

In the News  Is that website you are scrolling on legit? In Beware! Google Chrome address bar can reportedly be used to launch a phishing...
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Popular New Source of Malware

In the News  Phishing attacks and email scams continue to plague society. In Document-Based Malware on the Rise in 2019, Kacey Zurkus at InfoSecurity Magazine discusses how phishing attacks...
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Phishing Attacks targeting Verizon Mobile Customers

In the News  Verizon Wireless customers beware! In Mobile-First Phishing Kit Targets Verizon Customers, Tara Seals at ThreatPost discusses how malicious attackers have been sending Verizon customers phishing links...
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Cybercrime and Sporting Events

In the News  Cybercrime relating to sports is ever increasing. In March Madness Scams Give Attackers Fast Break, Lindsey O’Donnell at ThreatPost discusses the insurgence of cybercrime...
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Gearbest Customer Data Exposed

In the News  In Gearbest security lapse exposed millions of shopping orders, Zack Whittaker at TechCrunch discusses a lack of security on the popular retail website, Gearbest,...
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