Accounts Hacked @ OkCupid
Posted February 11, 2019
In the News The issue of account security once again plagues dating sites. In Users complain of account hacks, but OkCupid denies a data breach, Zach Whittaker...Posted February 11, 2019
In the News The issue of account security once again plagues dating sites. In Users complain of account hacks, but OkCupid denies a data breach, Zach Whittaker...Posted November 16, 2018
In the News As holiday shopping heats up, the threat of cyber attacks looms large. In Ahead of Black Friday, Rash of Malware Families Takes Aim at Holiday Shoppers,...Posted November 13, 2018
In the News Credit and Debit card chips were supposed to protect more user’s from being financially exploited, cards and their financial information are still being jeopardized....Posted November 9, 2018
In the News Spam Calls continue to plague customers, but phone carriers are taking notice. In T-Mobile says it has blocked 1 billion spam calls,...Posted October 26, 2018
In the News Phishing attacks do not just happen at big businesses. In Multiple Phishing Campaigns Target Universities, Kacy Zurkus at Infosecurity Magazine discusses the high occurrence of phishing attacks...Posted October 23, 2018
In the News Establishing a secure remote connection may just have gotten a bit easier. In Mozilla is going to sell VPN subscriptions within Firefox,...Posted October 9, 2018
In the News WhatsApp accounts may be easily accessible to malicious attackers. In Warning over WhatsApp voicemail scam that could give hackers access to your...Posted September 20, 2018
In the News Identity theft may be a danger lurking when you pay for local services. In Hackers Have Planted Credit Card Stealing Malware on Local...Posted September 12, 2018
In the News All the rave reviews you see on Amazon products may not be entirely truthful. In Amazon is investigating claims that employees deleted reviews...Posted September 6, 2018
In the News Is the Internet getting more dangerous? In Business Email Fraud Attacks Jump 25% from Infosecurity Magazine, Michael Hill discusses an increase of fraud attempts of both emails...