Nordstrom Data Breach
Posted November 14, 2018
In the News Another retail data breach has occurred. In Nordstrom Quick to Tell Employees of a Data Breach, Kacy Zurkus at Infosecurity Magazine discusses a recent data breach of...Posted November 14, 2018
In the News Another retail data breach has occurred. In Nordstrom Quick to Tell Employees of a Data Breach, Kacy Zurkus at Infosecurity Magazine discusses a recent data breach of...Posted November 13, 2018
In the News Credit and Debit card chips were supposed to protect more user’s from being financially exploited, cards and their financial information are still being jeopardized....Posted November 9, 2018
In the News In the wake of constant web-based scams, tech companies aim to reduce the damage by educating their consumers. In Chrome adds new...Posted November 8, 2018
In the News In HSBC Customer Accounts Breached in US, Phil Muncaster at Infosecurity Magazine discusses a recent breach at HSBC Bank which led to the exposure of customer personal...Posted November 6, 2018
In the News Cashier-less payment is becoming increasingly popular. In 7-Eleven is bringing cashier-less payments to its stores, Kate Clark at TechCrunch discusses 7-Eleven’s decision...Posted November 5, 2018
In the News Yet another data breach affects the hotel industry. In Radisson Hotel Group Spills Customer Data, Phil Muncaster at Info-Security News discusses a recent data breach at Radisson...Posted November 1, 2018
In the News Accessible payment methods may not be as safe as many people believe. In Square, PayPal POS Hardware Open to Multiple Attack Vectors,...Posted October 31, 2018
In the News Not the cookies! In Girl Scouts Issues Data Breach Warning to 2,800 Members, Tara Seals at Threat Post discusses a recent data...Posted October 25, 2018
In the News For once, an app is being specifically designed to protect user data. In A new ‘smart firewall’ iPhone app promises to put...Posted October 17, 2018
In the News Recently, social media platforms have become hotbeds for online shopping inspiration and purchases. In Pinterest is turning more of its window shoppers...