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Category: Finances

Scammers Target .edu Email Addresses in New Round of Tax Fraud

The IRS has reported a new round of email scams that target taxpayers with a .edu email address. The scam messages display the IRS...
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Be on the Lookout for Holiday Scams

The Winter Holiday Season is upon us! Along with the special days, decorations, and gatherings (that look a bit different this year), we are...
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Detecting Fraud

Review your bank, credit card and financial statements regularly to identify unauthorized activity. This is one of the most effective ways to quickly detect...
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Tech Giants Get Another Rebuke Over Data Practices

In the News  Tech giants are only gaining more enemies in the field of ethics and human rights. In Amnesty International latest to slam...
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Vishing Calls on the Rise

In the News  Automated voice messages may become more dangerous. In Vishing Attacks to Become Commonplace in 2020, Sarah Coble at InfoSecurity Magazine discusses...
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E-Commerce Financial Scheme

In the News  Online retailers are being used as a middle-man in financial exploitation. In Two New Carding Bots Threaten E-Commerce Sites, Sarah Coble...
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YouTube and Shopping Ads

In the News  Shopping on social media platforms continues to increase in popularity. In Shopping ads come to YouTube’s home feed and search results,...
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Dangerous Android App Charges

In the News  Malicious apps strike again. In Android Keyboard App Could Swindle 40M Users Out of Millions, Lindsey O’Donnell at Threatpost discusses a...
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Governments  Requests Data from Twitter

In the News  How private is your social media data? In Twitter says government demands for user data continue to rise, Zack Whittaker at...
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Wearable Technology Growth

In the News  Technology continues to be in high demand. In Wearable spending forecasted to increase by 27% in 2020, Brian Heater at TechCrunch...
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