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WhatsApp Spyware

In the News 

Are you running the newest version of WhatsApp? In Update WhatsApp now to avoid spyware installation from a single missed call, Thomas Ricker at The Verge discusses how code within the WhatsApp was able to be manipulated to allow for the establishment of spyware on user devices. Ricker explains that the spyware enables the attacker to gain access to email and messaging records, a device’s microphone, and its camera as well. Ricker elaborates that WhatsApp has urged all users to update their WhatsApp app to ensure they are running the patched system.  

Our Take 

As technology advances, so do techniques of cyber-criminals. Although malware and spyware are not new threats, they can target a larger number of individuals as more and more members of society integrate their lives into advancing technologies. In these types of situations, running an outdated version of an application means more than merely not having the newest feature on the app. It means that you are risking the security of your personal information on a grand scale. Especially when a company reaches out and urges you to update your app or reset your password, listen to the suggestion to retain your information security.  


How can you protect the privacy of your personal information? 

  • Don’t reuse your account passwords, and take advantage of multi-factor authentication whenever possible 
  • Update your devices and applications frequently to ensure you run the most secure version 
  • Stay up to date on the news regarding recent fraud and phishing attacks to see if you may have been affected 

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