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Google’s Stance on Ad Tracking

In the News 

Ad Tacking is getting a big switch-up. In Google is pushing back against ad tracking in Chrome, Russel Brandom at The Verge discusses Google’s decision to allow users to view the cookies stored on their browser and edit them according to their desired privacy levels. Brandom explains that this is another initiative by Google to increase transparency regarding ad tracking while still allowing for a personalized browsing experience.  However, Brandom states that other browsers including Safari and Firefox have automatic blocking features, but not for cookie related tracking.  

Our Take 

Google has been releasing privacyrelated features and tools at a rapid-fire rate recently. With the increased focus on privacy in society, it is great to see a company taking an initiative to act on public opinion. While allowing users to choose which cookies can run on their browser selectively, Google is placing much authority on consumers to monitor their privacy and browser personalization. However, this requires users to take the time to restrict the cookies that they do not want running. Consumers may not want to take the time to do so or may not even know how. Although this is a positive step towards increased user autonomy in regards to their browser privacy, unless it is advertised in an appealing and easy to use way, it may not make as much of a difference as it was designed to.  


How can you protect the privacy of your personal data? 

  • Understand the risks of putting your personal information into the world, and only share what you have to       
  • Use safe password practices, and take advantage of Multi-factor Authentication where possible 
  • Utilize additional security/privacy measures and settings on apps, accounts, and platforms whenever possible   
  • Use privacy settings on your accounts when they are available       
  • Know your rights when it comes to data use and storage 

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