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Built-In Browser VPN

In the News  

In Opera’s Android VPN returns as a built-in browser feature, Jon Porter at The Verge discusses a free new VPN (virtual private network) feature built into Opera’s separate browser. Porter explains that by integrating the privacy focused VPN into the browser, Opera hopes to increase general usage of their browser by the public. Porter mentions that this is only currently rolling out for Android devices. 

Our Take  

VPN use is increasing in popularity due to its ability to create a more secure and more private web-based experience. VPN’s are especially popular now because of the constant controversies involving data misuse and data tracking on browsers, platforms, and sites. Of course, we need to wait and see how functional the Opera VPN included browser is, but if all goes well, a VPN integrated browser may take out the additional step of enabling a separate VPN tool for all of your browsing needs. Additionally, Northwestern provides VPN use for users with a NetID. This VPN allows users to access Northwestern’s network remotely. Whether you are using Northwestern’s VPN for universityrelated matters or a VPN app/browser, choosing to enable VPN access provides further protection and privacy for your online habits. 


How can you protect your privacy from data tracking and data misuse?   

  • Understand the risks of putting your personal information into the world, and only share what you have to     
  • Minimize the number of accounts that have direct access to your bank account or card numbers    
  • Make sure to update apps and software to avoid running flawed programs frequently  
  • Don’t reuse your account passwords, and take advantage of multi-factor authentication where possible.   
  • Stay up to date on the news regarding recent fraud and phishing attacks to see if you may have been affected 

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