In the News
Data privacy is seeping into the political world. In Data Privacy Top of Mind for 2020 Candidates, Kacy Zurkus at InfoSecurity Magazine discusses how 2020 presidential candidates have begun speaking on the need for data privacy legislature. Zurkus provides Sen. Amy Klobuchar as an example of candidates who have taken the stance in support of such regulations.
Our Take
With the constant onslaught of news reporting data breaches, privacy concerns, and security flaws, the reality of government intervention regarding data use is expected. Elsewhere in the world, such as in Europe, government regulation has already begun enforcing strict data privacy rules and guidelines to further protect users’ information. The current lack of regulation has given much autonomy to companies regarding their data use and privacy practices. However, this autonomy has led to both consumer and industry complaints as cybercrime increases. There is no doubt a need for increased data privacy, and government regulation may be a solution. However, only time will tell if policy will be created to intervene in the societal issue of data privacy and misuse.
How can you protect your data privacy with & without government regulation?
- Understand the risks of putting your personal information into the world, and only share what you have to
- Minimize the number of accounts and devices that have direct access to your bank account or card numbers
- Invest in a cybersecurity service to add increased protection to your accounts and devices
- Don’t reuse your account passwords, and take advantage of multi-factor authentication where possible.
- Stay up to date on the news regarding recent fraud and phishing attacks to see if you may have been affected