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New Cyber Security Threats for the Coming Year

In the News 

Will next year see more or fewer cyber-attacks? In Ransomware, Mobile Malware Attacks to Surge in 2020, Elizabeth Montalbano at Threatpost discusses Check Point’s anticipated threats for cybersecurity in the coming year. Montalbano explains that the introduction of 5G will increase the amount of individual data and increase the ability for complex phishing, mobile malware, and scam app attacks. However, Montalbano detailed that the advancements of AI will serve as a mitigation tool against some of these emerging and evolving threats.  

Our Take 

Evolving and advancing technology means that individuals can do more with technology and integrate more and more technology into their daily lives. This can be a benefit as technology can streamline tasks, increase communication channels, and be a form of entertainment. It is easy to think of advancements in technology as purely a positive. However, these advancements create threats to the privacy and security of your data as well. It is crucial that all technology users understand that just as new tech helps improve aspects of your life, it can also improve the ability of malicious attackers to inflict damage on more victims. It is therefore imperative that everyone proceeds with this understanding of the potential dangers of new technology and that an emphasis is placed not only on utilizing the coolest new tech, but also the most secure and more reputable to avoid having your data fall into the wrong hands.


How can you better protect your personal data when using advancing forms of technology?   

  • Understand the risks of putting your personal information into the world, and only share what you have to  
  • Ensure that you are running the most secure version of a program, app, or system by updating your devices regularly 
  • Only download apps or make purchases on sites and apps that you can verify and trust 
  • Check your email, business accounts, and credit reports regularly for abnormal activities  Stay up to date on the news regarding recent fraud and phishing attacks to see if you may have been affected 

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