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Dangerous Android App Charges

In the News 

Malicious apps strike again. In Android Keyboard App Could Swindle 40M Users Out of Millions, Lindsey O’Donnell at Threatpost discusses a dangerous Android app that prompts purchases without user authorization or detection. O’Donnell explains that the malicious app, Ai.type, which allows users to create customized keyboards, was taken off of the Android App store this past summer, but that the 40 million users who downloaded the app may be at risk for financial exploitation. O’Donnell explains that researchers are highly encouraging all users to delete this app if they currently have it downloaded. 

Our Take 

There are millions of apps available to download on your smartphones and various other tech devices. Many of these apps serve useful purposes and others are strictly for entertainment. The choices of which apps you download reflect your tastes and preferences, but no one has a preference to be the victim of financial exploitation. With apps like Ai.type, their damage continues even after the app itself is identified as dangerous and removed from app stores. It is essential to always do your research on apps before you download them, but it still may be difficult to know whether an app is malicious before it is downloaded onto your device. In order to make sure you do not become a victim of any financial schemes, keep track of your finances to make sure that you are only charged for purchases that you made and stay informed about apps that have been identified as dangerous. If you have one of these apps on your phone, delete it immediately.  


How can you protect the privacy of your personal and financial data?   

  • Always research apps before you download to verify that they are legitimate 
  • Limit the number of accounts that have access to your financial payment option  
  • Check your email, business accounts, and credit reports regularly for abnormal activities  
  • Stay up to date on the news regarding recent fraud and phishing attacks to see if you may have been affected 

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