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Urgent Microsoft Patches

In the News 

In Wormable” Bug Could Enable Another WannaCry, Phil Muncaster at InfoSecurity Magazine discusses Microsoft’s most recent patch class including many critical flaw patches. Muncaster stresses the fact that the flaws (not yet exploited) found could be ‘wormable’ and allow a chain reaction of breaches to occur on a global scale. Muncaster explains that Microsoft urges immediate patches of all windows systems to prevent another WannaCry incident.  

Our Take 

Technology is not perfect, and security flaws get continuously patched as a result. However, some security flaws are more ever than others and warrant a larger outcry to quick fixes. Such is the case with some of the patched Microsoft flaws. In comparing the potential damage of the flaw to a significant malware incident from a few years back, Muncaster highlights the significance having a patch for the vulnerability and the need to universally protect against its potential damage. This stresses the importance of keeping all devices, apps, and systems updated. Running an old program could mean more than only slowing down your platform experience. If there are solutions to security vulnerabilities available, take advantage of them. Failing to run the most recent edition of a system can put you and your personal information at risk. 


How can you protect the privacy of your personal information? 

  • Use safe password practices, and take advantage of Multi-factor Authentication where possible 
  • Utilize additional security/privacy measures and settings on apps, accounts, and platforms whenever possible   
  • Update your devices and applications frequently to avoid running an outdated and insecure program 
  • Stay up to date on recent data breaches and exposures to see if you have been impacted 

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