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New Privacy Assistant

In the News 

Do all of your accounts have the strongest privacy settings enabled? In New privacy assistant Jumbo fixes your Facebook & Twitter settings, Josh Constine at TechCrunch discusses how Jumbo, a new privacy assistant, can enable privacy settings of varying levels on social media platforms and delete your data history all while never collecting your data for their use. Constine explains that the goal of Jumbo is to increase the ease of safe and secure internet use, but the reality of such a service may not be permitted for long by tech companies 

Our Take 

Privacy is a big issue in today’s society. Although companies are creating additional privacy and security settings either by choice or because of legal requirements, many of these settings are difficult or time consuming for consumers to enable. What good are these settings then if most of the population isn’t using them? That’s why a privacy assistant like Jumbo might make consumers’ lives a lot simpler and safer. Jumbo takes the work out of cleaning up your data footprint now and in the future. As long as Jumbo does not get blocked from having access to the social media platforms and services it aims to use, it might just be one of the most useful apps available for avid social media and internet users. However, if Jumbo does get blocked by tech companies, hopefully, enough people will have heard about the existence of additional privacy settings and be more inclined to enable them on their own time. 


How can you protect the security and privacy of your devices and accounts? 

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