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FIDO2 Integration on Android

In the News  

Are passwords becoming a thing of the past? In Google Ditches Passwords in Latest Android Devices, Lindsey O’Donnell at ThreatPost discusses the approved integration of FIDO2, a multi-tiered web authentication service, on Android 7 devices. O’Donnell explains that Android users will now be able to log into their apps and accounts using PINs or biometrics. O’Donnell elaborates that this authentication system eliminates the need for passwords and has a built-in defense against phishing attacks. 

Our Take  

Maintaining account security is a difficult task. Everyone wants to keep their accounts and the information stored within them secure, but remembering a plethora of passwords and security questions is a time-consuming and frustrating process. Unfortunately, this leads to lacking password strength and jeopardized accounts. With the increasing ability for biometric and PIN login such as with FIDO2 approved software’s, the risk of account security is mitigated. 

Additionally, FIDO2 provides a helpful defense against phishing attacks, which have continuously increased in frequency and sophistication in recent years. It is crucial that individuals take advantage of the account security initiatives available to them. While not all devices are supported by FIDO2, those that are should be utilizing the services provided. 


How can you protect the privacy of your online accounts?   

  • Periodically check your applications and software for updates   
  • Utilize additional security/privacy measures and settings on apps, accounts, and platforms whenever possible 
  • Refrain from choosing passwords that contain a simple word or phrase–create strong passwords and change them periodically – the longer the better.   
  • Understand the legal rights and practices of companies that store your data  
  • Stay up to date on news covering recent breaches to see if you may have been affected  

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