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Skype Calls on Echo Devices

In the News 

Voice-controlled speakers continue to make new updates and improvements. In Amazon Echo devices can now make Skype calls, Brian Heater at TechCrunch discusses the recent collaboration between Amazon Echo products and Microsoft’s Skype which will allow Echo device users to make Skype voice and video calls depending on their device capabilities. Heater details that this collaboration will enable Echo users to request Skype calls using voice-control and make calls with Skype contacts.  

Our Take 

Voice-controlled smart devices such as the Amazon Echo have become commonplace in the home, work, and travel destinations. They capitalize on consumer’s demand for convenience and can save one time and energy in doing mundane tasks. While such devices have many positives, the technology-driven nature of such devices result in security concerns that are important to understand. Not all smart devices are created the same and not all of these devices are built with the same data security measures. Researching the data collection practices of such devices before purchasing them as well as being mindful of the information and the quantity of information that you share with these devices are proactive steps to securing your personal information. Using such devices can still be done safely and beneficially for all parties, but understanding the risks associated with the use of such devices can help protect not only your personal information but also the personal information of your contacts.  


How can you protect your personal information when using voice-controlled smart devices?  

  • Understand the risks of putting your personal information into the world, and only share what you have to   
  • Refrain from discussing highly sensitive information over a voice or video call; such information should be addressed in-person whenever possible 
  • Update your devices and apps whenever possible to avoid running a vulnerable program  
  • Be aware of default settings on any device or application and turn on privacy settings as needed

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