Last Updates Apr. 20, 2016
- Oral Presentation, American Astronomical Society Winter Meeting (#227) Kissimmee, FL, January 2016, on “Effects of Stellar-Mass Black Holes on Star Cluster Evolution and Survival”
- Oral Presentation, Extreme Solar Systems III, Waikoloa, Hawaii, November-December 2015, on “Planetesimal Scattering and its Implications for the Period-Ratio Distribution of Kepler Planet Pairs“
- Invited Speaker, International Astronomical Union General Assembly, Focus Meeting 1 (FM1), Dynamical Problems in Extrasolar Planets Science, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2015, on “Period-Ratio Distribution of Near-Resonance Planets Indicate a Dynamical Past”
- Oral Presentation, International Astronomical Union General Assembly, Symposium (#316), Formation, Evolution, and Survival of Massive Star Clusters, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2015, on “Effects of Stellar-Mass Black Holes on Massive Star Cluster Evolution”
- Invited Review Talk, Division of Theoretical Astronomy Workshop, The Origins of Planetary Systems: from Current View to New Horizons, DTA, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan, June 2015, on “Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems”
- Invited Speaker, Physics of Exoplanets, From Earth-sized to Mini-Neptunes Conference, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, February 2015, on “Inside-Out Planet Formation & Its Implications” (podcast)
- Oral Presentation, International Astronomical Union Symposium (#310), Complex Planetary Systems, Namur, Belgium, July 2014, on “Planetesimal Interactions can Explain the Mysterious Period-ratio Distribution near Mean Motion Resonances”
- Astronomy Colloquium, Penn State University, University Park, PA, May 2014, on “Kepler Multiple Planet Systems: Mysteries & Possible Solutions”
- Invited Speaker, American Astronomical Society, Division on Dynamical Astronomy meeting (#45), Philadelphia, PA, April 2014, on “Understanding the Milky Way Globular Clusters”
- Oral Presentation, American Astronomical Society Winter Meeting (#223), Washington DC, January 2014, on “Planetesimal Migration and its Effects on Mean Motion Resonances”
- Astronomy Seminar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, April 2014, on “Understanding the Milky Way Globular Clusters”
- Astronomy Seminar, Presidency University, Kolkata, India, April 2014, on “Our Changing Understanding of Extrasolar Planets”
- Oral Presentation, American Astronomical Society Winter Meeting (#221), Long Beach, CA, January 2013, on “Prospect for Kepler Detecting Planets in Open Clusters”
- Astronomy colloquium, Argelander Institute, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, September 2012, on “Can We Find Planets in Star Clusters?”
- Invited speaker, Lorentz Center, Compact Binaries in Globular Clusters Workshop, Leiden, the Netherlands, September 2012, on “Modeling the Globular Clusters in the Milky Way Galaxy”
- Astronomy colloquium, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, April 2011, on “Numerical Modeling of Dense Star Clusters”
- Oral Presentation, Extreme Solar Systems II, Grand Teton National Park, WY, September 2011, on “Planets in Dense Star Clusters”
- Oral Presentation, International Astronomical Union Symposium (#276), The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems- Formation, Structure, and Dynamical Evolution, Torino, Italy, October 2010, on “How Planet-Planet Scattering Can Create High-Inclination as well as Long-Period Orbits”
- Oral Presentation, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics program, Formation and Evolution of Globular Clusters, Santa Barbara, CA, January-April 2009, on “Disturbed Blue Stars Bearing Clues to Cluster Properties”
- Oral Presentation, International Astronomical Union Symposium (#246), Dynamical Evolution of Dense Stellar Systems, Capri, Italy, September 2007, on “Effects of Stellar Collisions on Star Cluster Evolution”
- Oral Presentation, American Astronomical Society, Division on Dynamical Astronomy meeting (#38), Ann Arbor, MI, May 2007, on “Dynamical Outcomes of Planet-Planet Scattering”
- Speaker, Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2006, on “Finding New Worlds”