Conference Articles

Last Updated Apr. 20, 2016

8. Formation of Kepler multis, and period-ratio asymmetry near mean motion resonances

Nader Haghighipour, Sourav Chatterjee, 2015, IAU General Assembly, 2257514, Submitted

7. An Overview of Inside-Out Planet Formation

Jonathan C. Tan, Sourav Chatterjee, Xiao Hu, Zhaohuan Zhu, Subhanjoy Mohanty, 2015, IAU General Assembly, 2254073, to appear

6. Period Ratio Distribution of Near-Resonant Planets Indicates Planetesimal Scattering

Sourav Chatterjee, Seth O. Krantzler, Eric B. Ford, 2015, IAU General Assembly, 2253313, to appear

5. Effects of Stellar-Mass Black Holes on Massive Star Cluster Evolution

Sourav Chatterjee, Frederic A. Rasio, Meagan Morscher, Carl L. Rodriguez, Bharath Pattabiraman, 2015, IAU General Assembly, 2253211, Submitted

4. Pebble Delivery for Inside-Out Planet Formation

Xiao Hu, Jonathan C. Tan, Sourav Chatterjee, 2014, IAUS, 310, 66

3. Evolution of planetary systems in dissipating gas disks

Soko Matsumura, Edward W. Thommes, Sourav Chatterjee, Frederic A. Rasio, 2011, IAUS, 276, 504

2. How planet-planet scattering can create high-inclination as well as long-period orbits

Sourav Chatterjee, Eric B. Ford, Frederic A. Rasio, 2011, IAUS, 276, 225

1. Effects of Stellar Collisions on Star Cluster Evolution and Core Collapse

Sourav Chatterjee, John M. Fregeau, Frederic A. Rasio, 2008, IAUS, 246, 151