Ground motion variations around an earthquake source as a result of changes in source geometry, distance and depth.
Teaching Portfolio:
For a PDF copy of my teaching portfolio, containing my philosophy of teaching, diversity commitment, class style, and sample syllabi, please see here.
Here is a list of courses that I have TAed, co-taught, or planned.
- Earth 103: Geologic Hazards
- Physics 136-1: Classical Mechanics Lab
- Physics 136-3: Modern Physics Lab
- Earth 202: Earth’s Interior (a.k.a “Introduction to Geophysics”)
- Earth 326: Data Analysis for the Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Earth 323: Seismology and Earth Structure
- Earth 324: Earthquakes and Tectonics
- Earth 3XX: Hydrodynamics for Geoscientists
- Earth 3XX: Programming for Geoscientists
- Earth 1XX: Physical Oceanography
- Earth 4XX: Tsunamis