Main Page

Dynamic Regulation of Adult-Specific Functions of the Nervous System by Signaling from the Reproductive System

Aprison EZ, Ruvinsky I (2019) Current Biology

Coordinated Behavioral and Physiological Responses to a Social Signal Are Regulated by a Shared Neuronal Circuit

Aprison EZ, Ruvinsky I (2019) Current Biology

An excreted small-molecule signal promotes C. elegans reproductive development and aging

Ludewig et al. (2019) Natural Chemical Biology

Inferring temporal organization of postembryonic development from high-content behavioral tracking

Faerberg et al. (2021) Developmental Biology

A male pheromone that improves quality of the oogenic germline

Aprison EZ et al. (2022) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA

Serotonin plays a deeply conserved role in regulating oocyte quality

Aprison et al. (2023) Developmental Biology

The Lab

We study how social signals exchanged by animals alter their development and physiology. In particular, we focus on the roles of pheromones on reproduction, sexual maturation, and aging. We use C. elegans as a supremely powerful model system in which to dissect the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms and hope to translate our findings to other organisms.

We actively seek talented and motivated researchers (postdocs, technicians and undergraduates) to join our effort.

If interested, contact Ilya directly. 

Cook Hall at Northwestern University

The News

RuvkunFest 2018

Presented our latest results at the RuvkunFest at MGH.