Pdf showing entire schedule at a glance.
Area Studies Panel
Location: Video Theater, 2712, 2nd Floor, South Tower
Time: 10:50 – 11:35 am
- John Dorr, Head, Digital Scholarship and Liaison for French & Italian, Turkish Studies
- Michelle Guittar, Liaison for Latin American Studies, Spanish & Portuguese
- Esmeralda Kale, George & Mary LeCron Foster Curator, Herskovits Library of African Studies
- Florence Mugambi, African Studies Librarian
- Jeannette Moss, User Education Librarian and Liaison for Slavic Languages and Literatures, and Political Science
- Li (Qunying) Li, Librarian for East Asian Studies, South Asian Studies and South East Asian Studies, Education & Social Policy, Asian American Studies
This will be a panel session featuring Northwestern librarians sharing their expertise and insights into doing research and acquiring materials from various parts of the world.
Geospatial Thinking: Mapping Your Research
Location: Forum Room, 2799, 2nd Floor, South Tower
Time: 10:50 – 11:35 am
Presenters: Kelsey Rydland, GIS/Data Analyst; Ann Aler, Geospatial & Cartographic Specialist
Geospatial science is a broad and fast-growing discipline that allows researchers the ability to analyze spatial-temporal aspects of people, places and processes. The principal means for studying this phenomenon is through the use of GIS or geographic information systems. The US Department of Labor has identified GIS as one of the three most important industries of the 21st century. This discussion provides an introduction to this increasingly important technology. This presentation will provide the basics of what GIS is, how it pertains to your research interests and the resources available to assist you here at Northwestern. Desktop GIS, web GIS, and how to locate data will all be covered in this presentation.
News Sources
Location: Lower Level, B183
Time: 10:50 – 11:35 am
Presenters: Anne Zald, Librarian for Government Information, Business & Geospatial Services, Liaison for Social Science Data and Regulatory Compliance; Geoff Morse, Research Services Manager and Liaison for Religious Studies and Linguistics
This session will provide an overview on the vast array of news sources, including Readex/NewsBank, available to our community. Whether you want to keep up with what’s current, delve into historical events, read news local to Chicago or Johannesburg, SA, our news collections are broad and deep enough to meet your needs.
Research Methods in Art and Architectural History
Location: Lower Level, B234
Time: 10:50 – 11:35 am
Presenter: Cara List, Head, Art Collection and Liaison for Art & Art History
This session will acquaint you with the many paper and digital research resources held by Northwestern’s Art Library. We will interact with a number of online research tools including highly specialized resources, top sources for literature and/or image searches as well as a few of the best choices for iconological research.
Resources for Communication Studies
Location: Lower Level, B238
Time: 10:50 – 11:35 am
Presenter: Lauren McKeen, Liaison for Communication Studies
The interdisciplinary nature of Communication Studies can leave some researchers with no idea where to begin. This session will provide attendees with an overview of a diverse collection of resources that cover areas such as technology, social networking, television, media studies, rhetoric, organizational communication, and health care. By the end of the session, attendees will be able to identify the appropriate database to begin their research; know how conduct effective keyword searches; and will know how to locate and take advantage of the services and resources available to them at the Libraries.