Research and Evaluation
At the heart of our work lies research and evaluation, where we employ the most rigorous methodologies to assess programs, interventions, and policies aimed at nurturing an open and free society.. Our efforts encompass the critical tasks of formulating policy options, offering invaluable assistance to policymakers, and uncovering pioneering and impactful models tailored to our target population. Through rigorous analysis, data-driven insights, and a commitment to precision, we strive to empower change and create pathways to a better life.
Innovation and Development
Within our sphere of innovation and development, we pioneer the conception and crafting of interventions, educational initiatives, and cutting-edge AI-driven technologies. These endeavors are meticulously designed to propel education and training opportunities for our target population, forging pathways toward progress. The tools we create not only elevate individual capabilities but also extend their reach by empowering community members. By seamlessly merging innovation with empowerment, we envision a future where education knows no bounds, and training opportunities abound for all.

Selected Research Projects

Global Evaluation of the Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools Program in Six Countries
Global Evaluation of Unified Champion School Program

Virginia RPRJ EPIC Evaluation
The overall goal of the RPRJ EPIC project is to effectively eliminate subminimum wage employment in Virginia.

Maine Department of Labor - Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Maine’s Pathways to Partnerships Project (P2P) proposes a new model that leverages the expertise and fiscal and staffing resources with the goal of development of a collaborative innovative systemic model to effectively improve transition services across agencies to increase CIE for children and youth with disabilities in Maine.

NAEP Process Data Innovation Grant
This project aims to bridge this knowledge gap by examining the relationship between the availability and utilization of accessibility features and math performance, using process data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

Course Taking Patterns in STEM and Postsecondary Education Achievement
In this project, we examine the association between the heterogeneity in high school coursework and postsecondary outcomes among underserved students, with a specific focus on students with disabilities.

RISEI Working Paper Series
Visit this page to find working papers across all RISEI projects.