May 8, 2024
This newsletter provides occasional updates on the RPRJ EPIC project evaluation activities for the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) and their partners. Northwest University leads the evaluation team to provide a comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of the RPRJ EPIC project.
Insider Insights: The EPIC Evaluation Journey

- Virginia is one of more than a dozen states currently leading a project to eliminate subminimum wage, which has been part of the American policy landscape since 1938. The EPIC Evaluation team conducted a review of public policy to date and shared their findings with DARS.
- Ongoing baseline data collection has provided DARS with insights into initial project development and implementation, challenges, and recommendations. LEARN MORE
- Recruitment has begun! All EPIC participants must complete an informed consent form, receive a unique ID, and complete the baseline survey. Contact the EPIC grant team at DARS to learn more.
Data Deep Dive: Uncovering Trends in Subminimum Wage Employment

- Northwestern University has created data dashboards for DARS staff to learn about the employment and wages of individuals with disabilities across the state. View DARS Insights: Labor and Education Statistics for Virginians with Disabilities from AWARE Data or View Census Insights: Education and Employment Statistics for Virginians with and without Disabilities.
On the Horizon: What’s Next for the EPIC Project?

- Baseline data collection includes gathering initial information from key participants including adults with disabilities currently in subminimum wage or trial work, students with disabilities and their parents/guardians, VR counselors, and ESOs. Surveys are in pilot phase and will be disseminated soon.
- Parents and guardians can provide context and insights into the services that benefit students with disabilities. A parent survey is under development.
- Interviews with employers who elect to maintain their existing 14(c) waivers can provide ideas for the types of support these employers will need as they transition subminimum wage employees into CIE. An employer survey is under development.
About RPRJ EPIC: Virginia DARS leads the Real Pay for Real Jobs (RPRJ) Education and Outreach, Partnership Development, Individualized Services and Capacity Building (EPIC) project to design, implement, and evaluate a program that builds local capacity to serve individuals with disabilities and complex work barriers to achieve competitive, integrated employment.
Learn more about the RPRJ EPIC project here.