2023 – Present
Patel K.J.; Bowles, S.; Matolyak, L.E.; Vogus, D.; Wang, C.; Nagy, G.; Richards, J.J.; (2024) Mapping Structure and Rheology of pH-Responsive Resins for Low-VOC Coatings. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (51), 70874-70882. DOI:
- Richards, J. J.; Ramos, P. Z.; Liu, Q. A Review of the Shear Rheology of Carbon Black Suspensions. Frontiers in Physics. 2023, 11 (August), 1–11.
- Hipp, J. B., Ramos, P. Z., Liu, Q., Wagner, N. J., Richards, J. J., & Weitz, D. (2024). Quantifying electron transport in aggregated colloidal suspensions in the strong flow regime. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. DOI:
- Cho, N.H., Shi, J., Murphy, R., Riley, J., Rogers, S.A., Richards, J.J. (2023). Extracting Microscopic Insight from Transient Dielectric Measurements During Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear. Soft Matter. DOI: 10.1039/D3SM00786C
- Brucks, M.D., Arslanova, A., Smith, C.B., Richards, J.J. (2023). Electroless Deposition of Silver onto Silica Nanoparticles to Produce Lipophilic Core-Shell Nanoparticles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2023.05.059
- Liu Q, Richards JJ. (2023) Rheo-Electric Measurements of Carbon Black Suspensions Containing Polyvinylidene Difluoride in N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone. Journal of Rheology. DOI:
- Ramos PZ, Call CC, Simitz LV, Richards JJ. (2023) Evaluating the Rheo-electric Performance of Aqueous Suspensions of Oxidized Carbon Black. Journal of Colloids and Interface Sciences. DOI:
- Griffith, J*, Chen, Y*, Liu, Q, Wang, Q, Richards, JJ, Tullman-Ercek, D, Shull, K, Wang, M. (2022) Quantitative High-Throughput Measurement of Bulk Mechanical Properties Using Commonly Available Equipment. Materials Horizons. DOI: 10.1039/D2MH01064J
- Lin H, Blackwell BC, Call CC, Liu S, Liu C, Driscoll MM, Richards JJ. FSVPy: A python-based package for fluorescent streak velocimetry (FSV). Journal of Rheology. DOI: 10.1122/8.0000521
2021 – 2022
- Lin H, Majii MV, Cho NH, Zeeman JR, Sawn JW, Richards JJ. (2022). Quantifying the hydrodynamic contribution to electrical transport in non-Brownian suspensions. PNAS.
Cho NH, Zhang Q, Dufresne EM, Narayanan S, and Richards JJ. (2022). Microscopic Dynamics of Inverse Wormlike Micelles Probed Using X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy. ACS Macro Letters.
Cho NH, Riley, JK, and Richards JJ. (2021). Fast Dynamics of Inverse Wormlike Micelles Probed Using Mechanical and Dielectric Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. B
Contributor: Wagner, N., & Mewis, J. (Eds.). (2021). Theory and Applications of Colloidal Suspension Rheology (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hipp JB, Richards JJ, and Wagner NJ. (2021). Direct measurements of the microstructural origin of shear-thinning in carbon black suspensions. Journal of Rheology, 652, pp. 145-157.
2019 – 2020
- Chen JE, Wang Q, Shull KR, and Richards J.J. Control over Electroless Plating of Silver on Silica Nanoparticles with Sodium Citrate. (2020) Journal of Colloids and Interface Sciences, 576, pp. 376-384.
Invited Review: Richards J.J., and Riley, J.K. “Dielecric RheoSANS: a mutual electrical and rheological characterization technique using small-angle neutron scattering”. (2019) Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 42, pp. 110-120.
- Hipp J.B., Richards J.J., and Wagner N.J. , “Structure-property relationships of sheared carbon black suspensions determined by simultaneous rheological and neutron scattering measurements,” (2019) Journal of Rheology, 63, 3, pp. 423–436.
2015 – 2018
- Richards J.J, Hipp J.B., Riley J.K., Wagner N.J., Butler P.B. “Highlight: Clustering and Percolation in Suspensions of Carbon Black“. 2018 NCNR Highlight (2018)
- Riley J. K., Richards J. J., Wagner N.J., Butler P.D. “Branching and alignment in reverse worm-like micelles studied with simultaneous dielectric spectroscopy and RheoSANS“. Soft Matter 14, (2018): 5344–5355. (Cover Article)
- Richards J.J., Gagnon C.V.L., Krzywon, J.R., Wagner N.J., Butler P.D. “Dielectric RheoSANS – Simultaneous Interrogation of Impedance, Rheology and Small Angle Neutron Scattering of Complex Fluids“. J. Vis. Exp. 122, (2017): e55318–e55318.
- Richards J.J., Hipp J.B., Riley J.K., Wagner N.J., Butler, P.D. “Clustering and Percolation in Suspensions of Carbon Black“. Langmuir 33, (2017): 12260–12266.
- Richards, J.J., Wagner, N.J., Butler P.D. “A strain-controlled RheoSANS instrument for the measurement of the microstructural, electrical, and mechanical properties of soft materials,” Review of Scientific Instruments 88.10, (2017):105115.
- R. López-Barrón, Y. Zeng, Richards J.J. (2017). “Chain stretching and recoiling during startup and cessation of extensional flow of bidisperse polystyrene blends,” Journal of Rheology, 61.4, (2017): 697–710. (Cover Article)
- Richards J.J., Scherbarth A.D., Wagner N.J., Butler P.D. “Mixed ionic/electronic conducting surface layers adsorbed on colloidal silica for flow battery applications,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8.36 (2016): 24089-24096.
- Newbloom G.M, Kanekal K., Richards J.J., Pozzo L.D. “Neutron Scattering Characterization of Polymer Semiconductors,” Semiconducting Polymers: Controlled Synthesis and Microstructure, RSC Polymer Chemistry Series (2016).
2009 – 2015
- Sulas D. B., Yao K., Intemann J., Williams S., Li C-Z, Chueh C-C., Richards J.J., Y. Xi, Pozzo, L.D., Schlenker C. W., Jen A. K-Y, D. S. Ginger. “Open circuit voltage losses in selenium-substituted organic photovoltaic devices arise from increased spatial density of charge-transfer states.” Chemistry of Materials 27.19 (2015): 6583-6591.
- Matthaei F., Maio F. D., Richards J. J., Pozzo L.D., Baker D., Baneyx F.. “Designing two-dimensional protein arrays through fusion of multimers and computational interface design.” Nanoletters 15.8 (2015): 5235-5239.
- Zhao, C. Z. Li, Liu S. Q., Richards J. J., Chueh C. C., Ding F., Pozzo, L. D., Li X., Jen A. K-Y. “A conductive liquid crystal obtained via facile doping of n-type benzodifurandione derivative.” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3.13 (2015): 6929-6934.
- Richards J.J., Whittle C. L., Shao G., and Pozzo, L. D. “Correlating the structure of composite semiconducting nanoparticles to photocurrent using contrast variation SANS and photoconductive AFM.” ACS Nano, 8.5 (2014): 4313-4324.
- Richards J.J., Rice A. H., Nelson R. D., Kim F. S., Jenekhe S. A., Luscombe C. K. , and Pozzo, L. D. . “Modification of PCBM crystallization via incorporation of C60 in polymer/fullerene solar cells.” Advanced Functional Materials, 23.4 (2013): 514-522.
- Faires K., Schwartz D. T., G. M. Newbloom, Richards J.J., Noon M. S., Knoth J. L.. “Blanket for pyrolysis or drying of biomass,” U.S. Patent # 2012155145 (2013).
- Richards J.J., Weigandt K. M., Pozzo, L. D. . “Aqueous dispersions of colloidal poly(3-hexylthiophene) gel particles with high internal porosity.” Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, 364.2 (2011): 341-350.
- Thangawng L., Howell P. B., Richards J.J., Erickson J. S., Ligler F. S. . “A simple sheath-flow microfluidic device for micro/nanomanufacturing: fabrication of hydrodynamically shaped polymer fibers.” Lab on a Chip, 9.21 (2009): 3126-3130.
- Richards J.J., Danquah M. K. , Kalakkunnath S., Kalika D. S., Kusuma V.A., Matteucci S. T. and Freeman B. D. “Relation between structure and gas transport properties of polyethylene oxide networks based on crosslinked bisphenol a ethoxylate diacrylate.” Chemical Engineering Science, 6.4 (2009): 4707-4718.
Contact Us
Dr. Jeffrey J. Richards
Northwestern University
Technological Institute E166
2145 Sheridan Rd. Evanston, IL 60208
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