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Installing Command Line Tools

Command line workshops require you to have access to a bash shell with the text editor program vi/vim installed. For Git workshops, you’ll also need to install git.

Mac OS X and Linux


On Mac OSX, which is based on a Unix environment, you can use the built in terminal program. Terminal can be found in the Utilities folder of the Applications folder. Linux systems similarly have a Shell program. Both should have vi/vim installed. Check by opening the Terminal/Shell and typing

vim --version

If it’s not installed, you can try these instructions for a Mac, or ask our consultants for help.


For git workshops, you’ll also need the git program.  Check to see if it’s installed by typing the following in the Terminal/Shell:

git --version

If it’s not installed, on a Mac, it will prompt you to install it.  For Linux, see these download instructions.


If you’ll be connecting to Quest or other remote servers (KLC, cloud resources, etc.) you also need an SSH (secure shell) client.   You can use the Terminal program for SSH connections, or see Connecting to Quest for other options (some of which are specific to Quest/KLC).



Windows, which is not Unix based, does not come with a bash shell. You can download Git Bash, which will allow you to use both git and bash on a Windows computer. It comes with vi/vim installed.

Advanced Users: Alternatively, if you have a 64-bit version of Windows 10, you can activate a bash shell. See these directions. The latter option is not recommended for those who are not confident in their use of and understanding of the Windows operating system.


For git workshops, you’ll also need the git program.  The easiest way to get it is to download Git Bash.


If you’ll be connecting to Quest or other remote servers (KLC, cloud resources, etc.) you also need an SSH (secure shell) client.   You can download and use PuTTY, or see Connecting to Quest for other options (some of which are specific to Quest).