Leila Fadel is a national correspondent for NPR, covering issues of diversity, culture, and race. Most recently, she was NPR’s international correspondent based in Cairo and covered the wave of revolts in the Middle East and their aftermaths in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and beyond. Before joining NPR, she covered the Middle East for The Washington Post as the Cairo Bureau Chief. Learn more.
Ramzi Kassem is a Professor of Law at the City University of New York where he co-directs the Immigrant & Non-Citizen Rights Clinic. With his students, Professor Kassem represents prisoners of various nationalities presently or formerly held at American facilities at other detention sites worldwide. He also supervises the Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility (CLEAR) project, which addresses the legal needs of Muslim, Arab, South Asian, and other communities in the New York City area that are particularly affected by national security and counterterrorism policies and practices. Learn more.