While at Northwestern, I have been involved in a variety of outreach and teaching activities. They are all listed below. Not listed is my participation in Women of ESAM (WESAM), which I view more as a community building effort. WESAM is a group of Northwestern students, postdocs, and professors who promote equal opportunity for women in the mathematical sciences through outreach, professional development, and community building. I attend events, help plan some, and keep charge of the website. It has been a great asset to my graduate career. Many of the outreach events I have done have been done with WESAM or the Women in Math group at Northwestern.
Applied Math in Action-Served as a presenter (Talk on Machine Learning) in Fall 2016 to students in the Schuler Scholar Program
Graduate Research Opportunities for Women(GROW)-Volunteer in Fall 2015 and 2016
Coffee with An Undergraduate-As part of Northwestern SWE take undergraduates to coffee to discuss graduate school and summer opportunities
Winter 2017-Grading for Honors Calculus
Spring 2016-TA for Single Variable Integral Calculus
Winter 2016-TA for Differential Multivariable Calculus
Additionally, at St. Olaf, I was a Learning Consultant for the Academic Support Center, a physics clinic tutor, a TA for introductory physics lab, and a math clinic tutor.