Event Details

  • When/Where: Friday May 31th, 2024 at 4pm (in place of the colloquium and in the same location room Tech L211)! End time will depend on the number of presenters, but will not exceed 1.5 hours.
  • Who: Any graduate student in the Physics and Astronomy programs, or undergraduates actively doing research with a research advisor in these departments. 
  • How do I sign up: Follow this link and fill out a short form.  A follow-up email will be sent in a few weeks to confirm whether or not you wish to participate.

Further details:

  • There are prizes for 1st place ($100) and runner-up ($75) in the form of cash cards. 
  • A panel of faculty and post-doctoral fellows will judge the event. Presenters will be evaluated based on their research, presentation, and ability to communicate their work in a concise and digestible fashion. 
  • For further inquiries, please contact DanyangChen2026@u.northwestern.edu