When introduced to the assignment, I was very confused about how I could create a side quest for the co-op multiplayer game mostly focused on the co-op side of it. After some time thinking, however, interaction with some characters while trying to clear the level can be itself its own side quest and it means I only have to develop it more clearly.
Angry smoking citizens
Sometimes a player can accidentally meet a smoking person standing in one of the rooms. Based on random probability, if there is a cigarette pack and if the player decides to interact with the cigarette pack in this room, there will be a 30% chance that this NPC will approach you.
Now another random probability comes in hand – a 50% chance is that the NPC will initiate a conversation with the player in a good tone, where you will be able to choose from options of answers. NPC will ask about your smoking habit and favorite cigarettes and etc, If answers sustain the good vibe of the dialogue, NPC will give you another pack as a gift.
The pack of cigarettes can be used as an item to sell between the levels. It can also be used in some of the dialogues later on to ‘exchange’.
Another 50% chance, however, will make NPC angrily approach you with screams and you will have to run away from this room and maneuver to get away. If he catches you once, you will have to throw one of the items at him to distract or use ‘weapon’ items to fight back (only allows you to push him back and run, you can never win this fight).
After he loses sight of you, he slowly returns to the room. While he is away, your friends (or you, if you know a faster way to get there) can go to the room and loot more.
If you accidentally appear in the room with him again, he will get angry and run after you again, unless you have found items to change your identity. That way he will forget you and in order to create a memory in this room (or retrieve a memory made there already) you can give a cigarette pack to him to make him happy. A very small (1%) chance will make him angry again, as it makes him just mad about cigarettes overall, so in order to make him happy you have to give him something healthy you found before.
Old Wise Guy
Rarely (5%) you will be able to meet an old man sitting in one of the rooms. While interacting with him, he will ask for an item that you will not be able to find at this level. He will also give you advice on some of the NPCs and ‘Monsters’, helping your game overall. At the end of the dialogue, he will give you a good item that will be very helpful later on. He will give you a very wise hint to save this item for later.
The item will be very rare and you could sell it after clearing this level for a lot of in-game credits.
On the next level, he will appear with a 100% chance after appearing for the first time and will sit right at the exit. There, you will be able to interact with him again and he will ask you if you got the item he needed. This item could be found with the item he gave you before and will make it easier (however there is a chance you will be able to find it on your own without the item he gave you). He will still give you advice on some of the rooms and NPCs.
If you give him the item he wanted, he will grant you a very rare item that helps you clear the levels much easier and get better items on a level. The item is going to disappear after one usage during any level you want and will make most of the ‘enemy’ NPCs friendly and will make the level easier. Moreover, the level after you used the item, this old man could be found (100% chance) in one of the rooms. He will remember you and ask for a similar thing as it was before.
If you interact with him but say you couldn’t find the item because you sold another one, he will not get angry as he is the old wise man, yet he will give you another hint for a small treat (you will have to give him a very healthy item, such as a fresh apple or a med kit, so something that is very important for you too). He will give you a hint on how to find him again (and at first it will look like he fooled you, but if done correctly, after the actions he told you to do, he will appear on the next level). For that, he will give you an item to make him come again to your dreams/level.
The reason why the side quests are not as deep as in other games is because of the focus of the game on different levels and it is hard to make the side quest going while having completely different levels, each being short to include a full side quest inside.
The items in the second side quest are described only as ‘items’ because they need to be developed in further detail.