Thank you for your interest in learning more about our research! Our research depends on volunteers like you. Below are some answers to questions people sometimes have about coming into our lab, so you can decide if you want to participate.
What does it mean to be part of a research study?
Being part of a research study means that you would come and visit us at Northwestern University so we can learn more about you. The information we collect from you will be combined with information from other teens, so that we can understand people’s thoughts and feelings, and how they change as people grow up.
What information will you collect from me?
We want to know how you think and feel, how your brain looks, and how it responds to different situations. We might ask you some questions about your thoughts and feelings and your daily experience in the family and school. We might also take a picture of your brain using an fMRI scanner.
Do I get anything from participating?
If you choose to participate, we will pay you for your time and you will receive a lot of cool prizes including a 3D print of your brain. We will also tell you more about our research, so you can learn more about how the brain changes as you grow up.
What if I decide I don’t want to continue?
You can stop participating at any time you want to, with no penalty. You will still get paid for the parts of the study you completed.