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LA-ICP-MS of Metalloproteins and Tissue

A)  Recent LA-ICP-MS applications include the elemental analysis of metalloproteins within a native electrophoresis gel, as seen in ScienceB)  Thin sections of tissue, such as this tumor sample, are imaged via LA-ICP-MS to produce 2-D elemental maps.



HPLC-ICP-MS Speciation

The HPLC is used to separate elemental species such as As(III) and As(V) (shown here), Cr compounds, Pt compounds, etc.  These species are then quantified by ICP-MS at ppt-ppb detection limits.




Upright Confocal Meta Detector

The Meta detector allows for multi-wavelength spectral detection to resolve complex mixtures of emission signals. 





STEM – Hitachi HD-2300

A)  HD-2300 Schematic: adapted from Figure 3-1 HD2300A Electron Optics
Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation

B) STEM-EDX Mapping: the Hitachi HD-2300 STEM is equipped with dual EDX (x-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) detectors for enhanced sensitivity.



Zeiss Stage Mounted Incubation: CO2, Heat, and Humidity

The incubator is compatible with Petri dishes (35mm and 60mm) and slides. The CO2/air mixture is humidified and delivered into the incubation chamber. The heating insert is equiped for perfusion tubing if necessary. Temperature range: 3°C above ambient to +60°C.