Democracy & Development in post-1980’s India

Atul Kohli argues that democracy in India is not “inclusive”. Ever since the 1980s when government policies took a pro-business tilt, the economy has grown exponentially – 6% per annum for three decades. However, this economic growth is accompanied by widening economic inequality between states and within each state.

Business groups in India can exercise their power in many ways – from financing political parties and influencing public policy (often via illegal means) and running for office themselves to molding social values through hegemonic control of the media. Hence, the accumulation of wealth by a few has allowed privileged classes to create a separate social universe detached from the deprived masses.

However, economic growth means nothing unless it is accompanied by development and India currently ranks pretty low in terms of infant mortality and other health indicators. Another incentive to create “inclusive” economic policies is that nearly 90% of the economy is driven by the informal sector.

Hence, while democracy in India has succeeded in some respects, like holding regular elections and protecting civil liberties, it has major shortcomings in reducing inequality and deprivation. Kohli concludes that the Indian democracy needs a well-organized representation of the underprivileged in the political spheres to facilitate a shift, not towards populism, but rather, real social-democratic politics.

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