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May 15th, 2014: Avital Ronell

Ronell-page-001The Poetry and Poetics Colloquium, the Department of German, and the Critical Theory Cluster are proud to present a lecture by renowned scholar and theorist Avital Ronell. The lecture will be held on Thursday May 15th, from 4:30-6:00pm in Harris 108.

Avital Ronell, University Professor of German and Comparative Literature at NYU, is the author of numerous highly innovative and widely influential works, including Life Extreme: an Illustrated Guide to New Life (with Eduardo Kac, 2007), The Test Drive (2005), Stupidity (2002), Finitude’s Score (1994), Crack Wars (1992), The Telephone Book (1989), and Dictations (1986). The UberReader: Selected Works of Avital Ronell was published in 2006. Her conversations with Ann Dufourmantelle were translated into English under the title Fighting Theory (2010), and a volume of essays on her work, Reading Ronell, appeared in 2009. Among her most recent works are “The Tactlessness of an Unending Fadeout” as a forward to Jeremy Fernando’s “adieu” (2011) and Loser Sons: Politics and Authority (2012).