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  • A. Moon, Y. Li, C. McKeever, B.W. Casas, M. Bravo, W. Zheng, J. Macy, A.K. Petford-Long, G.T. McCandless,
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  • Z. Huang, A.R.C. McCray, Y. Li, D.J. Morrow, E.K. Qian, D. Young Chung, M.G. Kanatzidis, C. Phatak, and X.
    Ma, “Raman Shifts in Two-Dimensional van der Waals Magnets Reveal Magnetic Texture Evolution,” Nano Lett.
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  • S. Grebenchuk, C. McKeever, M. Grzeszczyk, Z. Chen, M. Šiškins, A. R. C. McCray, Y. Li, A. K. Petford-Long,
    C. M. Phatak, D. Ruihuan, L. Zheng, K. S. Novoselov, E. J. G. Santos, M. Koperski, “Topological Spin Textures in
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  • J. Fullerton, A.R.C. McCray, A. K. Petford-Long and C. Phatak. “Understanding the effect of curvature on the
    magnetization reversal of three-dimensional nanohelices”, Nano Lett., (2024). DOI: