Morning Report 8/8/22 – HHT

Kaitlyn (@KaitlynVitale) reviewed the case of a middle-aged woman with severe pulmonary hypertension.

Shunt run and shunt ratio – reminder that these are samples taken during a right heart cath and can be used to calculate a ratio (nice review in PCIpedia)

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia – HHT

Rare 1:5000-8000 autosomal dominance (ENG, ACVRL2, SMAD4) – vascular AVMs (nosebleeds, GI bleeds, liver AVMs)


Discussion included the importance of genetic testing to predict outcomes (saliva kit for HHT panel), what classification this should fall under (group 3 high output heart failure vs group 5).

Great case, Kaitlyn!