Pulmonary morning report

Patient in her 60s, former smoker 40py, with abnormal LDCT imaging. Some dyspnea but thought to be related to significant weight gain during pandemic.

Special shoutout to Dr. Agrawal’s Youtube channel and MIPs!

The case had a small endobronchial lesion on CT. We reviewed the differential for endobronchial lesions:


And focused on trahceobronchial tumors, which are rare, 0.6% of pulmonary tumors. (With a fun jeopardy matching series of slides, not captured in this post.)

DIPNECH – associated with bronchial carcinoid, consider in asthma patient with endobronchial abnormality.

Thanks for a great review and a fun interactive session, Dr. Rowe!

Timothy Rowe, MD, Pulmonary and Critical Care

Morning Report – 9/26/22

Thanks to Dr. Rowe for a great morning report case – a middle aged man with well-controlled HIV, ESRD on HD, referred to clinic for an abnormal CT as part of pre-transplant workup.

CT with some moderate subcarinal and right paratracheal lymphadenopathy, minimal parenchymal findings.

What next?


  • Sarcoidosis
  • Infection (TB, endemic fungi, anything really)
  • Malignancy
  • Reactive

EBUS to the rescue! – REMEDY: AJRCCM 2012 study showed that EBUS mediastinoscopies in 87% of cases – 67/77 cases were diagnosed with EBUS; of the 10 undiagnosed, only 6 got diagnoses in mediastinoscopy

Thanks, Tim!

Timothy Rowe, MD, Pulmonary and Critical Care

Morning Report 8/15/22 – TPO

Thanks to David Kidd for presenting a cool IP case:

A nice resource provided by Tim:

Naranje, P., & Das, A. (2018). Approach to Airway Infections. Clinico Radiological Series: Imaging of Chest Infections, 418.


Thanks, David!

David Kidd, MD, Medicine