Proning practices before and after COVID

  • Before COVID, proning was clearly underused
  • Recommendation for proning by official ARDS guidelines are strong that severe ARDS should receive proning>12hr/day
  • Anecdotally have seen more proning during COVID
  • Full team is more comfortable and familiar with it – it’s less new, RT and nursing are used to it and ask about it, etc
  • But what do the numbers show?

Comparing Prone Positioning Use in COVID-19 Versus Historic Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, CCE, May 2022

  • Retrospective review of proning during COVID 2020-2021 or pre-COVID ARDS 2018-2019 at academic and community hospitals
  • Proning initiated faster and more in COVID vs historic ARDS (58%!!! vs 9%)
  • Practice sustained throughout the pandemic
  • Time will show if things will change over time if COVID numbers continue to stay low