Hand-washing and C.diff contact precautions

I tried to find data on alcohol based hand rubs in C.diff but all I found is that hand washing is recommended – see this small study of volunteers who had C.diff spores spread on their hands then either soap or alcohol, then shook hands with other volunteers – hand washing was better at removing spore counts – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20429659

Surprisingly, the IDSA guidelines – https://www.idsociety.org/practice-guideline/clostridium-difficile/– say okay to do alcohol based cleaning if gloves are worn in routine and non-endemic settings, though acknowledges that handwashing with soap and water is superior to alcohol based hand hygiene

My practice will be to continue hand-washing after C.diff rooms, time-consuming as it is, because don’t want to bring it home to your cat or dog (happened to one of my residents; https://www.hcplive.com/view/potential-transfer-of-clostridium-difficile-from-dog-cat-to-household-owners)