You’re Invited to the P&A BBQ at the Lakefill!
Hello Everyone!
Welcome back! We are excited to see you all at the BBQ this Friday September 17th at 4pm. The BBQ will be located at the Lakefill Bonfire Pit located here. There will be food, drinks, and celebration! Looking forward to seeing you all and to welcoming the incoming cohort!
Quality of Life Chair / Secretary
Fireboat Cruise 2021 was a success!
Group photo taken after the Fireboat Cruise on September 2nd, 2021
2nd Annual Graduate Student BBQ
Thanks everyone for coming out to make the BBQ a great success (and congratulations to Team Fire Dragon for winning the scavenger hunt, and the coveted PAGSC cup!).
Trivia Night Thursday!
Grad student trivia night will be this Thursday night, August 16th. Research getting you down? Come demonstrate your mastery of the stuff that really matters with four challenging rounds of trivia! Trivia starts at 6:30 PM in Tech F160, bring your own refreshments.
Summer Social Events
Now that the Summer term is fully underway, see below for a list of the PAGSC-sponsored social events.
- Board Game Night — Wednesday, July 18, 6:30 PM in Tech F160
- Trivia Night — Thursday, August 16, 6:30 PM in Tech F160
- First Year Student Welcome Night — Tuesday, September 11, 6:30 PM in Tech F160
Welcome, New Graduate Students!
Welcome to Northwestern University’s Department of Physics and Astronomy! I hope your time here is both enjoyable and highly educational. You can find some useful links on our resources page, or check the calendar for upcoming events.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact myself or another Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student Council (PAGSC) member. If you prefer to submit questions or comments anonymously, you may use the comment box. You can find a list of our current council members on the current council page.
Zach Hafen
PAGSC President