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Tag: Semyon Frank

ASEEES 2023 Digital Conference NURPRT Panels

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A Quick Guide to ASEEES 2023 Digital Conference NURPRT Panels: Please find below a guide to panels in which members of our Initiative are participating for the Virtual Conference being held October 19 – 20, 2023. If any panels are missing please contact Peter Winsky ( and he will add them to the guide. To

Philosopher and Philosophy in the Time of War: Correspondence between Simon Frank and Ludwig Binswanger

These are presentation notes for a paper given at the international symposium: Russian Literature, Philosophy, and Religious Thought in a Time of Catastrophe, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Lisbon, Portugal, March 2023. Written by Gennadii Aliaiev, translated by Dr. Victor V. Chernyshov, and edited for style. To begin, I would like to present the source for my