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Tag: Randall Poole

Gary Saul Morson and Vekhi/Landmarks: Open Humanism in Russian Thought

This paper by Randall A. Poole was presented at the Northwestern University Research Initiative in Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought Conference celebrating Gary Saul Morson in April 2024. I began to study Saul Morson’s work in the early 1990s, when I was a graduate student at the University of Notre Dame. His 1993 essay, “Prosaic Bakhtin:

Mikhail Epstein’s Religion after Atheism and the Russian “Argument from Personhood”

Nesterov, Beyond the Volga, Shepherd Boy, 1922

This paper was part of the opening roundtable celebrating Mikhail Epstein at the Inaugural Conference of the Northwestern University Research Initiative for the Study of Russian Philosophy and Religious Thought which took place at the Northwestern University, April 2023. The roundtable included Caryl Emerson, Alyssa deBlasio, Victoria Juharyan, and the author of this paper, Randall A.

Russian Orthodoxy, Human Rights, and the War on Ukraine

Versions of this paper were presented at the following international symposiums: Russian Literature, Philosophy, and Religious Thought in a Time of Catastrophe, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Lisbon, Portugal, March 2023, and Russian Literature and Philosophical Thought: Religion, Nationalism and Dissidence, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil, November 2022. Written by Randall Poole:   In

Video: Roundtable “Russian Literature and Philosophy: Religion, Nationalism and Dissidence”

Below is the video footage from the roundtable discussion at the international symposium, “Russian Literature and Philosophy: Religion, Nationalism and Dissidence,” which took place at the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil, November 2022. The roundtable included Caryl Emerson, Gary Saul Morson, and Paul Contino. The footage is hosted by RELIGANDO Ciência da Religião